2 john Feb 17, 2007 11:54

Quite a few of the skins from the skins site will work in both 1.8.* and 1.9*, and AFAIK there was never a nifty yellow available for past generations, so it should work. Or at least not act like it's not installed at all. Check the contents of your nifty_yellow folder to make sure it doesn't have another nifty_yellow folder inside. In other words you should find a file at yourdomain.com/skins/nifty_yellow/skinshot.jpg - NOT yourdomain.com/skins/nifty_yellow/nifty_yellow/skinshot.jpg
Oh wait a minute. Since you chose it you could see it in the back office. That means the path must be correct.
Try deleting it from your server, getting a fresh copy of the zip package, unzip it, and re upload it. Might be like a file got bonked somewhere along the line is what I'm thinking.
EdB wrote:
Quite a few of the skins from the skins site will work in both 1.8.* and 1.9*, and AFAIK there was never a nifty yellow available for past generations, so it should work. Or at least not act like it's not installed at all. Check the contents of your nifty_yellow folder to make sure it doesn't have another nifty_yellow folder inside. In other words you should find a file at yourdomain.com/skins/nifty_yellow/skinshot.jpg - NOT yourdomain.com/skins/nifty_yellow/nifty_yellow/skinshot.jpg
Oh wait a minute. Since you chose it you could see it in the back office. That means the path must be correct.
Try deleting it from your server, getting a fresh copy of the zip package, unzip it, and re upload it. Might be like a file got bonked somewhere along the line is what I'm thinking.
The niftyyellow folder does have a subfolder with the same name. But the skinshot is in the main folder. And yes I could see the preview.
Should I move all content from the subfolder to main folder?
Ok, I think I'll try that.
It works!
Are you sure that the skin you have downloaded is suitable for your version of B2 which you have as 1.9.x
I think you will find that Nifty Yellow is a b2 v.1.8.+ skin