2 edb Feb 19, 2007 09:09

screen-shot attached
Ah. Check out http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=51257 and see how much it helps. Particularly the bit about editing your _feedback.php file looking for "pingback" as the culprit.
That's part of making a bunch of 192-friendly skins.
hi edb,
I guess this error is "responsible" for the "damage"
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /var/www/arwen137/html/sniglesde/skins/kubrick2evo/_main.php on line 402
What are the bad arguments?
so long
What does line 402 say?
already handled it. The latest blog "damaged" the skin.
I'm surprised it works in any browser :( You'll have to describe the problem you're seeing though because when it's a browser-specific issue the only way anyone can help is to have a couple of browsers to look at your web OR read a nice description of the problem.
Or screen shots! Screen shots can tell a heck of a story.
BTW I'm trying to make a version of k2e that is totally friendly with 1.9.2, but tween now and then we should be able to fix your issue(s).