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1 Mar 11, 2007 03:58    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


I'm trying to make some changes to the nifty_corners template but after some changes:

A new and wider banner:
No background image
Some Color changes
Other minor changes

Whenever I open the page in IE7 or Firefox 2, the page first shrinks slightly and then expands to its size.
It has something to do with the .js file that comes with the skin but if I delete that .js file the nifty_corners don't work anymore.

Any ideas?

2 Mar 11, 2007 12:05

The rounded corners ifself are made by the js!

3 Mar 11, 2007 12:54

Yes, its a combination of the .css and the js files, but what I want to avoid is the shrinking and expanding. Does anybody know what I mean and if it can be avoided?

4 Mar 11, 2007 16:10

Got link? It's really hard for anyone to know what "shrinking and expanding" means without seeing it. More importantly, it'll be almost impossible for anyone to help with your problem if we can't rip down your source code and style sheet and 'scripts. So ... uh ... got link?

6 Mar 11, 2007 16:30

Here are the .css and .js attached inside a ZIP file.

7 Mar 11, 2007 17:19

Cool. So ... uh ... that seems to be the same thing that happens on the original nifty_corners skin. To make it not happen would probably require it to not be nifty_corners. So basically, near as I can tell, if you want that 'scripted thing to happen you'll have to accept that you get to briefly see it do it's thing. Check out the new skins site (under 'extend' above) and select pre-installed skins then preview nifty_corners. To my eye I'm seeing the same thing effect there that I see on your blog.

Plus BTW once you share a link most anyone can get to most everything it takes to make the page. Meaning no need to zip stuff up for people to access. It makes it easier to see files that are readily available, but they're all there in my browser is what I'm trying to say.

Anyway I'd imagine it'll be quite hard to keep the rounded corners effect and not have the momentary visually unpleasing thing happen.

8 Mar 11, 2007 18:15

You are right about the original template but since it has a colored background the effect is less noticeable. At least I notice it that way.
What I would like to achieve is to eliminate the rounded corners in top of the banner I put. I want the banner to be at the top without any spacing from the border of the browser.

About the Zip, i must say that I knew it but sent it that way on a second thought, just in case... but thanks for the information.

9 Mar 12, 2007 07:12

In the _main.php the .js file is called in the header like so:


The javaScript is called at window.onload which is, as far as I know the fastest way to call the script. So you won't gain any time there. But when I watched your site I noticed you only use the corners at the titles of the post. This is the div.bTitle. You can probably do without the other three (div.outerwrap, div.posts and div.bSideBar). I suggest you comment out these three, upload the _main.php and see what happens. Commenting in javaScript is done by placing txt between /* and */ like so:

	/*		Rounded("div.outerwrap","all","transparent","#fff","");
	*/		Rounded("div.bTitle","top","#fff","#688F58","smooth");

I hope this will be of any help.

Good luck

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