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1 Mar 21, 2007 20:57    

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x

I would like to eliminate all the posts to the Linkblog from the All blog. Or put another way, I'd like the default to display posts from 3 other regular blogs but not posts to the Linkblog.

I think something like this has been answered before. In fact, I recall that I may have once answered it, but despite many searches, I cannot find the answer.

I can see how it is done in the multiblogs.php but that set up separates the blogs into sections. What I really want is to have the posts list sequentially, just as they do in the all blog.

I know the answer is to restrict either the categories or the blogs displayed by number. I'd prefer to use the blog number, because the categories may change, but I could use the category numbers if pressed.


3 Mar 21, 2007 21:28


With your link, I discovered it's not impossible.

I did it by excluding the listblog categories. (I couldn't figure out how to do it by blog number.) This solution is a bit dicey since changing a category on the linkblog will goof it up. But, it works with that limit.

Here are the key lines for the [url=]stub[/url], as changed:

$blog = 1;   	    // 1 is the all blog
$cat = '-15,31,14';  //   added: list of categories to be excluded, i.e. the  
                             //  categories in  the linkblog.  
                             //  Only need one '-' at start of list of
                            //  cats to exclude

I found that this resulted in messages - in the title and body - announcing that certain categories were excluded. I div tagged the offending lines in main_php and used css to hide them.

Here are two lines in main.php that announce the limited categories. They should be deleted, commented, out, or hidden if you don't want the messages.

request_title( ' - ', '', ' - ', 'htmlhead' );


(I hope I can find this thread again! ) :D

4 Apr 08, 2007 23:27

How can I keep posts, not categories from "ALL" blog?????

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