2 yabba Apr 04, 2007 08:59

Ok got it, thanks!!
Have a suggestion... Maybe a field can be added for the text we want to appear when (example) a user must login/register to post a comment. ^^
While at it, can't find where to edit that text "Comments are closed", I'd like to change it to "Please register or login to post comments."
Thanks again.
You just need to change this bit of your _feedback.php
// Comment form:
if( $disp_comment_form && $Item->can_comment() )
{ // We want to display the comments form and the item can be commented on:
You can find all the params on [url=http://doc.b2evolution.net/v-1-9/evocore/Item.html#methodcan_comment]this page[/url] of the docs ;)
Hi again,
The "Comments are closed for this post" doesn't get replaced, but instead, my new message is added on top of it or before it.
This works for me :-
if( $disp_comment_form && $Item->can_comment( '<p><em>', '</em></p>', '#', 'these are closed' ) )
Works fine now. Wasn't reading the boolean statement correctly :/ Silly me... and the cost of multi-tasking fast..
I'll be updating all our plugins that have this problem the moment I get a chance.
In the meantime, to cure it delete this section of code from the plugin ( lines 176 -> 202 )