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1 Apr 27, 2007 23:33    

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x

My title says it all. In the previous version of the custom skin that I used, the header was just text. Now it is a link. The color clashes with the background color I use. Once someone clicks on the title it turns to the visited color which is fine. I tried to change the not visited color, but I need that color on other parts of the site.

All help is appreciated. :D

2 Apr 27, 2007 23:49

find h1#pageTitle in your style sheet and add this after it:

h1#pageTitle a, h1#pageTitle a:visited, h1#pageTitle a:hover {
	color: #c0c0c0;

Or whatever color you like.

3 Apr 28, 2007 00:52

oh snap. In truth the title doesn't say anything - too long, so I figured you'd be happy with fixing the color issue.

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