2 yabba May 05, 2007 10:30

By looking at the test2 in the url, one would assume that the page is not live, and it isn't. I'm going to add the link back in there.
Thanks for the help....
Ok, I'll take you at face value ... hell, I'm blonde, we're renowned for being easy ;)
To remove the duplicate titles you have to comment out this segent of code in your skins _main.php ( in the same editor that you removed the linkback on a test skin ;) )
// ------------------------- TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST -------------------------
request_title( '<h2>', '</h2>' );
// ------------------------------ END OF REQUEST TITLE -----------------------------
To remove the "back" link would be something similar, but it's not a default skin link so I can't show you the code to remove, I'd need to see the code from your post loop first.
To change the formatting of the full story link would be a smidge more in depth, although you could probably use $disp == 'single'; as a hook .... it'd kind of depend what you're after.
To add the linkback in probably took less time than both our posts .... although I only noticed after I typed all this ........ the evo logo kinda clashes with your skin though, you may wish to consider a custom graphic, or a plain text link ;)
I was going to get around to adding the link back in there sooner or later. I love the software and I am more than happy to tell people about you guys, I just happened to forget about it. And I am going to work on changing the logo, doesn't fit too well.
The duplicate title fix worked.
The back link is just a simple javascript history code.
<a href="javascript:history.go(-1);">Back</a>
I want to have it in there, but only when it is displayed on the permalink page, similar to how the comments would be.
As far as formatting goes for that I just want to move it to the left and maybe make it a little smaller. This probably has something to do with the CSS file, but I'm not too sure.
For your "back" link you should be able to wrap it as follows :-
if( $disp == 'single' )
echo '<a href="javascript:history.go(-1);">Back</a>';
Great, that worked.
And I somehow managed to format the read more link the way I wanted it.
Thanks for the help!
Crack open _main.php in the same editor that you used to remove the linkback to this free open source software which you now expect the members of the free forum to provide you free help and use it to delete all the other sections of code that are superflous to your requirements :|