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1 May 05, 2007 08:51    

v1.10.0 is not parsing Atom's (_main.php)

					echo make_rel_links_abs( $Item->get_content( '', true ) );

(full area)

				<title type="text"><?php $Item->title( '', '', false, 'xml' ) ?></title>
				<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="<?php $Item->permanent_url( 'single' ) ?>" />
					<name><?php $Item->creator_User->preferred_name( 'xml' ) ?></name>
					<?php $Item->creator_User->url( '<uri>', "</uri>\n", 'xml' ) ?>
				<id><?php $Item->permanent_url( 'single' ) ?></id>
				<published><?php $Item->issue_date( 'isoZ', true ) ?></published>
				<updated><?php $Item->mod_date( 'isoZ', true ) ?></updated>
				<content type="html"><![CDATA[<?php
					$Item->url_link( '<p>', '</p>' );
					echo make_rel_links_abs( $Item->get_content( '', true ) );

It used to work under v1.9.x.

2 May 20, 2007 02:37

I hope Daniel can look at that, because I'm such a non believer in relative links, precisely because of the converting back issues with feeds ;)

3 May 20, 2007 03:45


Found out something.. seems the error I reported is coming if the URL is

and so on...

instead of:
and so on...

Im not sure why the one without the underscore is accessible, I was mistakenly using that and didn't notice it coz it was parsed :p hehe...

But I prefer the one without the underscore, though it seems to be not parsing the _atom / _rss skin itself but a different file somewhere.

4 May 20, 2007 20:24

Laibcoms, what is the actual bug?
Is there some problem with make_rel_links_abs()?

If you use tempskin=atom it's the same as rss 0.92 - the default probably for tempskin.

5 May 21, 2007 03:34

No actual report shows, but I noticed that if the url used is tempskin=atom etc. the _main.php file of the skin folder for atom and rss seems to be not the one being read.

I found this out because I edited my atom and rss skin folders to show the content of "more".

When the URL is tempskin=_atom etc, the "more" shows up, but if tempskin=atom it doesn't.

Here's a live sample:

6 May 21, 2007 16:23

Laibcoms check out and you'll see that's what you are getting when you call a tempskin that doesn't exist - it's your rss092 feed. Since there is no such tempskin as "atom" it is defaulting to rss092.

I'm not sure why they have the _ in the name. Partially I guess I know. If you allow skin switching it will not show skins that begin with _ to your visitors, or as a choice in your back office. I guess you could try renaming the _atom skin as plain old atom and see what you get, but it might be more complex than it appears on the surface.

7 May 21, 2007 16:44

EdB wrote:

Laibcoms check out and you'll see that's what you are getting when you call a tempskin that doesn't exist - it's your rss092 feed. Since there is no such tempskin as "atom" it is defaulting to rss092.

I'm not sure why they have the _ in the name. Partially I guess I know. If you allow skin switching it will not show skins that begin with _ to your visitors, or as a choice in your back office. I guess you could try renaming the _atom skin as plain old atom and see what you get, but it might be more complex than it appears on the surface.


yep, tried it and its redirecting to tempskin=_rss instead.

It's kinda sad its defaulting to rss092 :p hehe... not Atom1.0 :p

anyway thanks!! I edited my rss092 skin so it'll work fine. :D though I hope with be2 v2, the default feed will be Atom1.0.

Thanks again

8 May 21, 2007 16:54

Why not just use the right name for the feed you want?

9 May 21, 2007 17:03

I'm using the _atom version, just got worried suddenly, and also I thought its related with 1.10. But it has nothing to do with 1.10 rather the URL.

Hmm.. so Im assuming now, the 'underscore' version is the correct format then?

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