2 afwas May 07, 2007 11:14

Sorry, i can't seem to get that to work. The line in main.php reads:
<a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'url', 'raw' ) ?>"><src img="../img/header.jpg" alt="Captain's Blog"></a>
Is the image in your skins/yourskin/img folder? If so get rid of the ../ before the img/ in the image src. Oh and it's supposed to be <img src="img/whatever.jpg" alt="whatever" />".
Cystophora -
On your website where you tried to implement the suggestion given here, you have a mal-formed bit of html, namely the "a" element.
You have
<a a href="http://www.baird-online.c
That should be
<a href="http://
You have an extra "a"in there.
Plus, as Edb pointed out earlier.. you also have this:
<src img='
which should be
<img src='
Fix those html errors and see how that works.
Thanks guys, works perfectly now. Sorry it took so long to reply
i saw on your site that you are using 2 different header images that dynamically link to their respective blogs (bairds online blogs and captains blog).
how were you able to set that up to pull 2 different images and link correctly. i have followed the advice from this thread but now have 1 image over all of my many blogs.
The line that makes the header looks something like this:
You can change it into something like this:
That should do the trick.
Good luck