2 yabba May 08, 2007 09:26

Thank you again ¥åßßå
Now, you may be a blonde bimbo, but I am an old codger and I don't know where to put this code. Polite suggestions only please. ;-)
Ignore this, I found the answer in the thread -- into my main.php file.
I just did it and it works! The follow or nofollow is done correctly on each page. I am so happy :-) :-) :-)
We crossed messages. Actually it is the other message one for searchg engines that I put in. Will look at this one now.
Thank you.
Ok, one of the simplest ways to do this is :
In your skins _main.php add the following code wherever you want the "show all posts" link :-
<a href="<?php echo url_add_param( $Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'disp=arcdir&mylist=1' ); ?>" title=" view a list of all posts ">Index of all posts</a>
Next, find a section of code that looks like this ( in the same _main.php ) :
// -------------- START OF INCLUDES FOR LAST COMMENTS, MY PROFILE, ETC. --------------
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
$current_skin_includes_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/';
// Call the dispatcher:
require $skins_path.'_dispatch.inc.php';
// --------------- END OF INCLUDES FOR LAST COMMENTS, MY PROFILE, ETC. ---------------
and change it to look something like this :
// start of addition
if( param( 'mylist', 'string' ) )
$Plugins->call_by_code( 'evo_Arch', array(
'title'=>'List of all posts',
'mode'=> 'postbypost',
'more_link' =>'',
) );
$disp = 'posts';
// end of addition
// -------------- START OF INCLUDES FOR LAST COMMENTS, MY PROFILE, ETC. --------------
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
$current_skin_includes_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/';
// Call the dispatcher:
require $skins_path.'_dispatch.inc.php';
// --------------- END OF INCLUDES FOR LAST COMMENTS, MY PROFILE, ETC. ---------------
Hit save, upload it, cross your fingers and hit the new link in your skin ;)
Hi ¥åßßå
OK, I took the plunge and added the code and it works a treat. Wonderful! Thank you so much. I also learned a lot about how the whole main page works and feel that with a little more study on php I will be able to really make a hash of my blogs :-)
I'm still making a hash of my blogs ;)
Haha! Now you tell me after I let you loose on mine! ;-)
Some of us never stop hashing it up ;)
We encourage others to test our hacks by saying "this should work" :)
Then b2evolution releases an upgrade and we say OMG I gotta undo everything, and start all over again :D
Yeah I was wondering about the upgrades and changes. How does one change to a new release without turning one's blog into a mess while getting all the changes back in? Or should I just stay on this release for ever? Or should I just make a private skin that is frozen in time?
"This should work" ... must remember that line. ;-)
As a general rule, things you change in your skin folder will be (more or less) okay. b2evolution doesn't upgrade YOUR skin, but you might find that a generational change causes changes to how skins work.
For example nothing from the 0.9.* generation work after that series ended. We had a collection of skins for the 1.8.* generation, but upgraded a bunch of them to the 1.9.* generation because a change made 1.8.* skins obsolete. Early reports indicate that 1.9.* skins work in 1.10, but it wouldn't be surprising to find out something is missing here or there.
One day something will change inside b2evolution that makes changing how skins work a requirement. When that happens your best bet is up upgrade your version and figure out what changes are needed to your skin.
To make any upgrades a bit easier and minimise hacks to _main.php your Full Index of Posts can easily be set up as a separate page just like arcdir is
Read this post...
Hey that's a cool post index! I think I'll give it a go and see how it works out. I wonder if anyone has given thought to showing stuff other than published posts in something like that, including statuses. So like I would see how many deprecated posts I have (lots), and other installations might see how many protected posts they have.
Kinda groovy.
I recycle post numbers is why I deprecate stuff. I figure why wait until Al Gore makes a movie about how we're running out of post IDs? Think global, act loco.
Yah it s cool post index... just add a .htaccess to clean up the URL (ie remove ?, =, etc.), and submit it to search engines, plus concentrate the SE-bots to that one page... voila. Search Engine ranking :p
I'll give this a spin :D
This will give you the list that you want ;)