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1 May 11, 2007 01:07    

It would be nice to have a plugin that puts something on the bottom of every post that allows people to press a little button for each of the various communities like Stumbleupon, technorati, MySpace, Digg,, google, yahoo! etc etc so that a person can add this to their favourites in that community.

You can see an example of this on the bottom of [url=]my main web page[/url] (this is as far as I got so far). I nicked this html code from several other sites and tried to streamline it. You can see that there are a couple of common things in each link but some differences also.

If nothing like this already exists then this should go to the requests for a plugin section I suppose.

I would be keen to have this optionally work for an individual post (to use the permalink in that case) or for an entire blog (use the minimal link for the blog). In the post case, the buttons should be within the post. For the blog, they might be in the side bar I guess.

This facility is of huge benefit in getting people reading your blog - which after all is presumably why we write them.

2 May 11, 2007 01:17

Here is the code that needs to be inserted - I have replaced three repeated sections by parameters:

%url% = the link of the page that is being faved
%picsdir% = the URL of the users picture directory where the various logos are stored (you need to put them there too obviously ... don't just live link to mine ;-) )
%title% = title of the page - this should be accurate as sites like SU use the actual title when a thumbs up is done and this should agree with that. Needs %xx substitution for blanks and special characters.

Add to your Favourites at: <a href=";url=%url%" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(%picsdir%delicious.gif) center left no-repeat;" class="noicon"></a> <a href=";title=%title%&amp;url=%url%" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(%picsdir%digg.gif) center left no-repeat;" class="noicon">Digg</a> <a href=";u=%url%" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(%picsdir%furl.gif) center left no-repeat;" class="noicon">Furl</a> <a href=";url=%url%" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(%picsdir%reddit.gif) center left no-repeat;" class="noicon">Reddit</a> <a href=";title=%title%&amp;bkmk=%url%" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(%picsdir%google.gif) center left no-repeat;" class="noicon">Google</a> <a href=";url=%url%" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(%picsdir%stumbleupon.gif) center left no-repeat;" class="noicon">StumbleUpon</a> <a href="" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(%picsdir%technorati.gif) center left no-repeat;" class="noicon">Technorati</a> <a href=";mkt=en-us&amp;title=%title%&amp;url=%url%&amp;top=1" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(%picsdir%windows_live.gif) center left no-repeat;" class="noicon">Windows Live</a> <a href=";popup=true&amp;u=%url%" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(%picsdir%yahoo.gif) center left no-repeat;" class="noicon">Yahoo!</a>

3 May 11, 2007 02:09

A further thought: The same plugin could also include "email to a friend".

Although it is possible to put all this code in every post as displayed, it might be better (less web traffic ==> less display time) to simply put a link in the page to another page where a person can tick a series of boxes to say which ones they want to fav into and /or email. Even better, if this remembers the person's ticks for next time.

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