2 john May 15, 2007 00:04

Actually that's what I like to ask, when I check my source page (via a browser), the robots_tag didn't produce anything.
Will update my skins...
Yes, same here Laibcoms.
Is the robots tag dependent on some other file that's been updated?
robots_tag is not covered in the [url=http://doc.b2evolution.net/v-1-10/elementindex.html]element index[/url] so I found the function in inc/_misc/_template.funcs.php:
* Robots tag
function robots_tag()
global $robots_index, $robots_follow;
if( is_null($robots_index) && is_null($robots_follow) )
$r = '<meta name="robots" content="';
if( $robots_index === false )
$r .= 'NOINDEX';
$r .= 'INDEX';
$r .= ',';
if( $robots_follow === false )
$r .= 'NOFOLLOW';
$r .= 'FOLLOW';
$r .= '" />'."\n";
echo $r;
robots_index appears to be set in inc/_blog_main.inc.php and inc/_vars.inc.php, and robots_follow appear to be set in the second file. Dunno what someone is supposed to do with the function though.
Anyway since 1.9.* skins work in 1.10, and it would be nice if 1.10 skins worked in 1.9.* skinners should wrap this function and the "contact_link" method in conditionals the way personman showed. That way skins with those things will still be good for 1.9.*, and eventually the value of those bits will be known.
Thanks for that EdB
Danny, just some clarification..
I assume the robots tag generates...
and the contact_link simply uses the msgform but is addressed to Admin?