2 balupton May 17, 2007 11:50

LOL. So sorry for that:
The link is still no good... why not click on the link yourself to test it after putting it up?
yep, link is dead ^^
The link is working now... not that I could help, (but, it needed a bump... because it was dead so long) and now those true skinning pros can now see it.
Easy. How about conditions instead of a payment? Simple conditions: the skin has a link to b2evolution.net and, when added to the skins repository, will have a link to you as the designer.
PM me if you're into it, but I gotta go out right now because a friend's dad just died so he's got a 1500 mile trip in front of him and no one to take care of his rats.
The link you provided is dead. :(
And moved to the Skins forum. :)