2 edb May 17, 2007 22:01

I'm sure there are many b2e skins out there other than what were submitted.
There probably are. As there are more b2evo blogs than there are skins. What that more likely means is that some people create a skin for themselves, never intending to share it, or not intending to share it until they have personally tired of it's use.
I realize that wasn't really your point, but I felt that needed clarification.
I will give one simple reason why I personally recommend steering clear of "theme/skin shopping" via Google and/or downloading themes/skins off just any ole site:
security, plain and simple.
Unless you take the time to actually look through the source, and also know what to look for, You have NO idea what might have been added to what you are using that represents a security risk.
Is that even possible you ask?
Yes it is, and it's being seen in WP themes quite a bit.
Need another reason?
I've read numerous blogs where folks have actually purchased themes or skins off sites that suggest that they provide ongoing support . Guess what -- they don't. So when the code changes, and the display breaks, people are left posting here for help with something they purchased, and generally speaking, most people are hesitant to help when they hear you have purchased something elsewhere -- the most common response in that scenario is "go back to where you bought it".
Unless you (generally speaking) have determined that the site you are dealing with is operated by someone with a decent "web" reputation, personally, I would steer clear.
The same goes for plugins.
True, those are valid reasons, and I react similarly most of the time when the people asking for help bought it somewhere.
I guess the term "bought" is the keyword, if you buy something, then ask them for support.
In any case, haven't really checked the skins offerred on blogflux for b2e, I just uploaded the skins I imported there to add to the collection, hoping, just hoping, it'll gain some audience for b2e.
We're like this hehe... Wordpress is IE, b2e is Firefox/Opera. heheheh...
I can't see where blogflux is worth anything. In fact it'd be nice if they just stopped trying because check it out: most of what they call b2evolution themes are not skins for b2evolution. They are wordpress themes. They have a grand total of 2 skins for b2evolution, with 2 flavors of each for some reason. Both of those are available on the skins site.
Plus none of them talk about version. Unfortunately using the correct skin for your installation version matters, as we all know.