2 edb Jun 13, 2007 16:39

Another way is to make a copy of a skin and rename it to have an _ before the name.
Then hit PMA and manually enter the skin name into the correct field for that blog.
The skin will never be shown in the skinlist so it won't be selectable by anyone else ;)
EdB : your solution is good if this php file isn't modify.
¥åßßå : your idea is good, thanks.
Just in case (for future amateur readers like me), so you don't have to go searching in google... PMA means phpMyAdmin.
Unfortunately that is not an option at this point, however there might be a way to make it happen. First let's know that a skin is a combination of php files (to decide what content will be part of the page) and a style sheet to make it look nice. If you have a skin that is the right content (php stuff) but is not the style that you want, then what you could do is enable custom style sheets for blog #1 and upload a customized "style.css" file to that blog's media folder. That way even though another blog might use the same skin it won't be able to use the same style sheet.
Hope it helps!