2 jibberjab Jun 19, 2007 19:04

jibberjab wrote:
I think the tagcloud needs incoming keyword searches in order to display anything.
Hmmm... I thought that it used the category settings for each post as its source. I would expect an empty box instead of nothing at all.
Tag cloud doesn't appear after installing. I have followed all the instructions correctly. Can anyone help? the plugin designer just refers everyone who has problems to this forum. thanks
Make certain the code to call the plugin that you put in your main.php is correct.
For instance, the default text to put in your main.php is:
$Plugins->call_by_code( 'evo_TagCloud', array() );
I had to change mine to:
$Plugins->call_by_code( 'tagcloud', array() );
to make it work.
The proof:
It's 1.10.2.
Got to App Settings, Plugins, Tag Cloud, to find the proper code.
Anyone knows if it's possible to use tagcloud with "incoming keyword searches" instead of categories ?
cslepage, I tried both, neither worked. I'm beginning to think there must be a conflict with the skin I'm using. I wonder if Brian every got his working. I'm using the andreas1 skin.
but thanks for trying to help.
I got it working with custom skin
One thing I recently noticed on my comiclist.com blog. The tag cloud does not function when used in stub files. The links in the cloud take you right back to the stub file. The normal category list works fine, however.
It worked fine for me in 1.10.2. Just installed the plugin and copied the code for it into the sidebar of my skin. One of the easiest plugins!
cslepage wrote:
One thing I recently noticed on my comiclist.com blog. The tag cloud does not function when used in stub files. The links in the cloud take you right back to the stub file. The normal category list works fine, however.
CORRECTION: it works fine when you are using the latest version. My apologies.
Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the tagcloud needs incoming keyword searches in order to display anything. If your site is on a private, internal server, and nobody is coming to the site via search engine searches, then it will never have anything to display.