2 yabba Jun 19, 2007 18:21

Dude I totally love that photoshop!
I'm bummed. I had a "first post" pretty much ready to publish, tried to preview it, and realized I had to allow javascript from the new domain name. When I did I lost the content. Kept the title and excerpt (yeah folks there's an excerpt thingie), but lost the actual content. Heck I even had a groovy question that I am completely sure would have been answered with "no we don't do that", but it's gone because I accept that my flashes of brilliance are momentary and must be captured live else they fade. Such is life eh?
Oh and you ain't got nuthin gonna beat my server down, so bring it on little girl: bring it ON! Heck the defenses I've thrown away as old-school dwarf what you think is worth bragging about.
(...runs off to ban all IPs from everywhere except right here because totally clueless people should stfu early - and I didn't...)
EdB wrote:
I accept that my flashes of brilliance are momentary and must be captured live else they fade. Such is life eh?
Throw yerself off enough cliffs and at least one of them won't fade ... it'll be an endless moment :
$approaching_ground = true;
while( $approaching_ground )
$renewed = new OhhShit();
Couldn't we just look at http://demo.b2evolution.net/HEAD/blogs/admin.php?login=admin&pwd=demopass ?
the currently "on a different planet ....obviously" balupton wrote:
Couldn't we just look at http://demo.b2evolution.net/HEAD/blogs/admin.php?login=admin&pwd=demopass ?
8| 8| 8| 8| 8| and miss all EdB's inane drivel? Have you lost your mind!!!!11!!!!1
Thank you Y-ster-man! My inane drivel (which is "code" for 'insightful analysis') beats a demo any day. Plus a demo never told you "this sucks" and I will.
ffs - yet another place I have to bookmark to read your inane drivel about [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/duncanbayne/320737505/]naked chicks with guns[/url] ..... I'm gonna code me a spambot that utilises all the myspace users that have become [url=http://www.waffleson.co.uk/2007/06/15/the_ultimate_unlock_myspace_solution]my bitch[/url] and hit yah real hard :|
2.0 does rock though huh, and there's some seriously groovy stuff in the pipeline ;)