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1 Jul 13, 2007 12:42    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


I would like to know if it is possible to customize the file _lastcomments.php and put it in ../skins/myskin

If so, how should I modify myskin/_main.php (I think I should!)?

Thanks a lot,

2 Jul 16, 2007 10:03

Yes, just copy it into your skins/myskin/ folder and your _main.php will automatically pick it up


3 Jul 16, 2007 10:11


Do you mean that every in ./skins can be moved into ./skins/myskin and customized?

Thanks a lot.


5 Jul 16, 2007 10:19

And what about:


Sorry, but I'm new to b2evo and I'm trying to force it to display the time of the posts from timezone different from the server one!

I succeed to do that by hacking some files, but it would be better to write a plugin or a skin... and I didn't understand well how to write a plugin!

You can see the result of my hacking here:

Thanks for your help!


6 Jul 16, 2007 10:24

All the files in the inc folder ( and sub folders ) are core files which means that you would need to re-apply any hacks every time you upgrade.

You could probably limit your changes to skin/yourskin/_feedback.php ( && _lastcomments.php )


7 Jul 16, 2007 17:19

Hi Yabba,

do you know what


is for?

I undid my hackingo to it and it seems that this doesn't any difference!

Is it overrode by _lastcomments.php?

Thanks again,

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