My b2evolution Version: Not Entered
A plugin for will also be nice.
A lot of us don't have access to a Flash Creator software package and creating slide shows via powerpoint is easier for many of us. SlideShare allows you to upload your powerpoint slides and converts them to Flash.
It will be pretty cool to have a plugin for this.
There's already a video plugin.
Perhaps we can add this functionality there.
Hi there,
I have modified Dany FergussonĀ“s Youtube-Plugin for b2evo a little and extended it with Slideshare-Embedding. Just download and install the Youtube-plugin and activate it. Afterwards download the two modified files [url=]here[/url] and upload them to the Youtube-plugin directory (overwrite the existing files). For embedding a Slideshare-presentation just copy everything behind the "id=" in the data field of the code you see in Slideshare in the field "Embed in your blog".