2 afwas Jul 29, 2007 15:14

Ok, this is to complicated for me.. >:(
I've tried to increase the left side and the wrap (footer included). But it's not working. The text is floating out of the left sidebar into the centre.
I don't know wich one I have to change en in what degree!!
I'm afraid I have to study on this a bit more... :'( .
And about the messy code...I only added the Weaterpart. I made that one readable now :lol: . The other ones are just like I got them. The only thing I did is changing the order.
When I'm getting better in this php stuff, maybe I will delete some stuff I don't need :roll:
Left = #avmenu (150px) which corresponds to margin 160 in content.
This is because there is a 10 px wide gap between the two colums.
Widen the left column at #avmenu to say 200 px in stead of 150 px, you change the margin in content to 210 (from 160).
Now your central column gets narrow, so you need to change the whole width from 760px to 810 px at three locations.
Ok, that worked! :>> Many thanks to you!!
Only two things left to do..I'm almost afraid to ask... :oops:
- The picuture on top. I want it, or in the middle or through out the whole block (white one)
- And I love to have a tiny bit of space between te border and the text in the left menu...
Hope you find it in your hart to help me.... ;)
add this line in #avmenu:
#avmenu {
padding: 5px;
That is for the space between content and border.
What white picture do you mean? There is the background border picture that doesn't fit the new width anymore and the Droste header, but that is not white but blue.
Ok, i't's getting better and better!
About this one:
What white picture do you mean? There is the background border picture that doesn't fit the new width anymore and the Droste header, but that is not white but blue.
I wrote it down a bit stupid. I want the Droste picture, or in the middle, or oulined over the whole block (hope you understand now :lol: )
But than it suddenly hit me! I have to change those with too in the main.php!
I found, changed it and I'm very happy!
Hi Erica,
I had a look at your blog and the code. You're doing Ok but the code get's a little messed up since you added item after item.
I had a look at your columns and they are perfectly coded. You have set your left column fixed at 150 px:
and your right column at:
The central area is what's left:
Read this margin is Top (0px) Right (130px) Bottom (20px) and Left (160px). That leaves 10px between both columns.
The total width is:
but if you are going to change this you should change this also at the header and the footer.
Changing the left column involves the avmenu, the content margin and the wrap width / header width / footer width.
You could also inspect the elements in the left column: delete a few stars and change the size of the font of the calendar. The css for the calendar is located at: http://www.ericavandenberg.nl/blog/rsc/css/blog_elements.css.
Good luck