2 cslepage Aug 13, 2007 03:18

It should be sorted now, thanks ;)
It's all green now, thanks!
We finally managed to update this for 2.3 although we're still adding all the version information for our plugins as and when we confirm they work in the 2.x series.
Is it available for download yet?
Can you believe, the one link I forgot to update was the download link :P
The direct link to the download is here ( [url=http://downloads.astonishme.co.uk/version-2-x/am_bopit_2_3.zip]BOPIT 2.x version[/url] )
The use of "random" for the order of doodlies on the BOPIT subtab is ... interesting. Is there a setting to alphabetize them that I somehow haven't found, or, am I being a snarky little pup in my method of identifying a problem statement and a desired solution to the issue?
The things we overlook huh? The list was sorted in date added order .... or something. I've updated it to put the list in alphabetical order ;)
Found a little issue with BOPIT (v2.3.2): it says I don't have the countdown plugin installed but in fact it is installed. It told me when a newer version was available, and it tells me I now have the newest version, but both before and after it tells me [not installed].
Could it be because it is installed in only one blog that happens to not be the 'blog on index' blog? I shall do a brief experiment...
Nope: installing it on blog #1 did not change BOPIT's opinion on whether or not that particular plugin is installed. hmmm.... (head scratching emoticon here)
It was a blonde moment :roll:
BOPIT updated, which of course you'll know, because it'll be red ;)
For some reason, when I download the BOPIT plugin into my plugins directory, my b2 no longer shows any available plugins to install.
Deleting the BOPIT folder makes the list return...
Based on the other thread on this it's a memory problem.
Try, upping your memory limit and then going to admin > tools > system and see if the limits changed
upload another plugin ( any should do ) and seeing if you have the same problem.
I downloaded and installed a different plugin (Democracy Poll) with no trouble.
I uploaded the BOPIT plugin to the plugins directory and again the list of available plugins does not display.
I renamed the plugin php file within the bopit plugin folder to give it a .$$$ suffix instead of .php and thdn the plugins list does display.
Pretty crazy, eh?
In BOPIT, the link for description and help is broken for plugin "jQuery Lightbox plugin v 1.0"
rossputin wrote:
I downloaded and installed a different plugin (Democracy Poll) with no trouble.
I uploaded the BOPIT plugin to the plugins directory and again the list of available plugins does not display.
I renamed the plugin php file within the bopit plugin folder to give it a .$$$ suffix instead of .php and thdn the plugins list does display.
Pretty crazy, eh?
This still sounds like a memory problem.
Can you do 2 things?
1) uncomment the memory limit ( && the ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); ) in conf/_summat.php, then meander to admin > tools > system and check if the memory limit shown their tallies with what it should be. If it does then meander to your plugins tab and see if you get any errors?
2) Can you create a phpinfo.php ( <?php phpinfo(); ?> ) and see if you have curl enabled?
slamp wrote:
In BOPIT, the link for description and help is broken for plugin "jQuery Lightbox plugin v 1.0"
Thanks I'll let Afwas know ;)
hi there,
Starting at the end...I don't know how to do step 2 above...
As for step one, some interesting results:
The memory limit does match, and I raised it to 160M. I'm sure this isn't a memory problem, in part because of the next info:
I get two errors without having bopit in the folder:
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/_sharethis.plugin.php on line 100
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/_sharethis.plugin.php:100) in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/skins_adm/_html_header.inc.php on line 40
Still, even with those errors (which I'd appreciate advice on how to fix if you have any ideas...or whether they even need fixing), the system works fine as far as I can tell.
And then when I put the BOPIT folder in the plugins, I get this error and then the blank list of plugins:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 274
If I have time, I may be able to try to figure out which is line 274 and maybe fix it myself...but I'm far from expert at this and not highly confident, so if you can take a look I'd appreciate it!
I fixed the first errors by removing a "&" from line 100 of that other plugin, as suggested in a thread regarding a similar problem for another plugin.
However, the parser error for bopit remains...and I don't think I can figure it out since I don't know PHP.
Line 274 is this one, try removing the & from it as well
function CheckPlugins( & $params = array() )
OK, I removed the & in 274, then got the same error for 312 and removed two & from that line.
Then I was able to install the BOPIT plugin, but now I get this when I go to the BOPIT page in tools:
AstonishMe - Back-Office Plug-In Tool (AM-BOPIT)
Items in red are OLD. Items in green are OKAY.
Notice: Undefined property: bopit_status in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 127
Notice: Undefined index: display_ in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 127
Notice: Undefined property: bopit_status in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 127
Notice: Undefined index: display_ in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 127
Notice: Undefined property: bopit_status in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 127
Notice: Undefined index: display_ in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 127
Notice: Undefined property: bopit_status in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 127
Notice: Undefined index: display_ in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 127
Notice: Undefined property: bopit_status in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 127
Notice: Undefined index: display_ in /hermes/web03/b513/pow.rosspcom/htdocs/blog/plugins/am_bopit_plugin/_am_bopit.plugin.php on line 127
What version of PHP are you running?
Try changing both snippets to look something like :
function CheckPlugins( & $params )
if( !is_array( $params ) )
$params = array( $params );
looks like it's PHP version 4.4.6. It's running at my hosting company, not on my local machine.
I wonder if that's something I can upgrade myself by logging in or asking them. I'll check.
Which snippets are those that you just quoted?
Is that for line 314?
Thanks again
OK, I went into my web hosting configuration and there was a place to change PHP versions and now I'm in version 5.2.2.
And now BOPIT seems to be working!
Wow, I can't believe that was probably the issue all along, and I'm sorta surprised that the web hosting company didn't automatically upgrade the PHP or at least inform me way back when that an upgrade was available.
I went back in an uninstalled my modified version of BOPIT and then reinstalled the original version and it works.
I'm really sorry for taking your time...
Finally found the time to upgrade the plugin... a few ideas:
- sorry, but the donation icon (missed icon) sucks :(
- why do you bother writing this code if there's a nice built-in function 'fetch_remote_page'
if (extension_loaded('curl'))
{ // we can use curl
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$output = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
}elseif( $fp = fsockopen( $host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30) )
{ // we can use fsock
$output = '';
fwrite($fp, 'GET '.$url." HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n");
while (!feof($fp)) { $output .= fgets($fp, 128); }
// Read remote or local file
function get_data( $filename )
if( ! $content = @file_get_contents($filename) )
$info = array();
$content = fetch_remote_page( $filename, $info );
if($info['status'] != '200') $content = '';
// Return content
if( !empty($content) ) return $content;
return false;
Nice plugin, by the way. Thanks!
I guess I need to make a donations icon huh? :P
IIRC fetch_remote_page() didn't exist ( or didn't work properly ) when I originally coded the plugin, since then I've just left the code as it is ... could save a few bytes though so I'll try and remember to change it when I eventually create a donation icon that looks remotely decent ;)
Want one? It would be like totally meta to donate a donate icon ... even if all I do is steal it from somewhere else :) I just clipped a little red heart and made it be 17 by 17 png format. I'm thinking the money symbol is kinda localized, so it either needs to be locale-oriented or just be a generic. "Heart" is pretty generic right? Like, everyone knows "heart" means "I am not a construct" which implies "I want you to give me stuff".
Yes ;)
My BOBIT doesn't BOB anymore!!
BOPIT : No version information available ( 3-2 )
appears as a Pink error message above the list of Plugins and under the Tools - BOBIT tabs there is nothing as well....
The clue is in your version name ;)
My Bobit version is the only available version, unless I'm missing something
Your evo version, not BOPIT version :p
I guessed as much ....
I updated a blog from 2.4.7 to 3.3.3 and now bopit do not seen installed plugins :-(
How can I investigate ?
You can edit b2evo version in conf/_application.php ;)
Do you plan to upgrade bopit ?
Hi slamp,
Chances are that the new evo version just needs adding in BOPIT admin (ours not yours ) to make it all work. I'll go and have a play.
We will continue to support BOPIT for as long as people use it although we probably won't be adding any of the new functionality we have planned to the evo version of it.
No you won't, I just banned your ip from it :|
One odd quirk: I have the latest version of YouTube plugin installed (0.95), but the Bopit plugin insists there is a newer version.