2 afwas Aug 18, 2007 13:21

i was having problems getting the gallery mod to work, so i upgraded to 1.10 and now i get the error:
The installation of the plugin failed.
The media directory is not writeable. You must first run the steps here (rtfm?).
so i rtfm, and everything is correct.
my media folder has been chmod(ed?) to 777, tried it as 775 and it's the same thing.
any ideas?
:oops: Hi forum gods, sorry didnt mean any offence, since Ive only just joined myspace, its not that! I was just very angry upset and frustrated as it took me ages to do my blog then it crased when i tried doing this. That help was me screaming for help, it was genuine. :'(
:D Hi guys
thanks for your replies. It seems I already have 755! My host found it, but the gallery will not upload, so I assume I need to use 777?
I use File Zilla FTP.
Sorry i dont understand the steps rt...?
Sorry I meant 775
For filezilla, look at this [url=http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/images/screenshot.gif]screenshot[/url]. You change the CHMOD settings through [u]F[/u]ile attributes.
I doubt you notice a difference between a 775 and a 777 setting. Even I don't think you will be able to set a folder to 777. Nevertheless that was your question, so I answered it.
If you do need advice on getting this plugin to work, you are better off in the forum topic that sais [Plugin] Gallery, for there is where the experienced users are hiding.
Good luck
Thanks :D
Heading over there now!
I have the same problem!
It gives me the same error message, and no matter how many times I make sure the chmod is right and all, it won't work. :(
I've even tried 777, direct in to folders without ftp or anything to make sure it wasn't a problem with that, nothing worked.
I just uninstalled and am waiting for the new version of the plugin. It sounds like it will be pretty awesome, so I'm looking forward. :D
Have a look at the topic [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net//viewtopic.php?t=7880&postdays=0&postorder=asc&&start=345][Gallery] plugin[/url] where fts got an answer from balupton.
Good luck
Oh, thank you! :D
When I first had the problem I had asked Balupton by mail, but after various attempts with it doing the same problem I ended up deciding to wait for the new version since it kept not working and I didn't want to be a bother or anything.
But on page 23 of the topic you linked to, kingkongballs has the same problem than me (and right the next day I had it, *lol*), so I'll try seeing if the same method works on mine. :D
what ftp program are you using?
Usually it's a double window thing with your computer on the left and the host in the other panel. There you click the map on the host's server to select it.
Now you put the command somewhere in a single line in the bottom of the program. I found this to work in Total Commander and WS-Ftp.
In other programs like FireFtp (http://fireftp.mozdev.org) you need to rightclick the folder and choose Properties in the context menu. With solutions like these you just tick the correct setting and have no need to put the command somewhere.
Good luck