2 afwas Aug 20, 2007 04:14

Does the same, Actually, this was what I tried in the first place.
Nasty. This is the default:
void posts_nav_link( [ $sep = ' :: '], [ $prelabel = '#'], [ $nxtlabel = '#'], [ $page = ''] )
I played with it and
a) it didn't seem to have any impact in 1.10, as if I replaced it in the wrong file
b) It echoes anything you write in 1.9.3 alhough I had some luck when replacing h*tp://www.homepage.com by $Blog->disp( 'url', 'raw' ). Still it echoes <a href=" etc and doesn't create a link.
I found $sep in ../blog/inc/MODEL/item/_item.funcs.php:
function posts_nav_link($sep=' :: ', $prelabel='#', $nxtlabel='#', $page='')
global $p, $Settings, $MainList;
if( !empty( $MainList->sql ) && empty($p) )
$max_paged = $MainList->total_pages;
if( $max_paged > 1 )
previous_posts_link( $prelabel, $page );
echo htmlspecialchars($sep);
next_posts_link( $nxtlabel, $max_paged, $page );
and the link works fine if you replace:
echo htmlspecialchars($sep);
echo $sep;
but do use:
<?php posts_nav_link( ' <a href="http://www.homepage.com">Home</a> ', '< '.T_('Previous'), T_('Next').' >' ); ?>
and not yours.
Problem solved. Now back to the real world.
Good luck
Good luck