2 yabba Sep 10, 2007 10:23

Installing a plugun. It's under th plugin list.
It's there under the list after you hit edit a plugin and it's at every plugin.
Cheers, I think I've found the problem.
Crack open /inc/_core/ui/forms/_form.class.php and make the following change ( approx 445 ) and see if it cures it
case 'chicago':
if( ! empty($field_params['legend_params']) )
$legend_params = $field_params['legend_params'];
unset( $field_params['legend_params'] );
Tried the fix but introduced more errors:
line 445 contains:
case 'chicago':
// Temporary dirty hack:
$r = '<div class="fieldset_title"><div class="fieldset_title_right"><div class="fieldset_title_bg">';
if( $title != '' )
{ // there is a title to display
if( !empty( $icons ) )
$r .= '<span class="fieldset_icons">';
foreach( $icons as $icon )
$r .= $icon;
$r .= '</span>';
$r .= $title;
$r .= "</div></div></div>\n";
$r .= '<fieldset'.get_field_attribs_as_string($field_params).'>'."\n";
UPDATE: Got it.
I inserted the fix as compared with "case default" before the " // Temporary dirty hack:
Hi Afwas, can you tell me what you were doing when you got the error?