2 laibcoms Sep 10, 2007 09:26

I did use evopress and started customizing it. The issue is when I go through these different files I have no idea which one is the one I need for each thing!
To be a total novice at all this I have no idea what that XAMPP is I went there and it was all info about installing it but what is it!? Also whats a production site?
I know your rolling your eyes over there, stop it!
XAMPP is a free php + mysql enabled webserver like easyphp.
So you can run a webserver on your localhost.
After the installation install b2evo and start working your templates on your local machine.
Production site is an Online website.
Using evopress as your template:
1) index.main.php - evopress' file is good enough, you just have to check if the id and class attributes to reflect to yours
- this page shows your "index.php"
2) items.main.php - this one I haven't figured out yet. This file is called if $disp == 'posts' and I still haven't found why, where, when, and how $disp gets the value of "posts".
- what is known however is that index.main.php and items.main.php both shows a sidebar in evopress
- and both almost have similar content.
- my suspicion is that items.main.php is called when you are clicking on "Tags" and "Categories"
3) page.main.php & single.main.php - are practically the same, in that it displays only a "single" post, meaning the "content of the post" itself.
- what I don't understand, and we really need some clarification from the Skins 2.0 authors, is the difference between page.main and single.main.
- if I understood it correctly, page.main.php is the new feature wherein, we can easily create "custom pages" (a very common request), but I haven't explored b2evo-v2-alpha1 yet so I am not sure.
- quick difference, "single.main.php" is where your "preview" and "$disp == 'single'" are pulled off. page.main.php is again, just a theory, as I've said above.
- these two files do not show a sidebar for evopress
4) _body_header.inc.php - where you should put your "body" "header" stuff, say ADs, logo. Basically, put the "Header" and "Page Top" Widget-Containers here (I dunno why the default files [/skins/] do not those there)
5) _html_header.inc.php - where your HTML meta, script, css, stuff are.
We need clarificatio nfor #2 and confirmation for #3.
Hope that helps.
ok Im not going to even touch that XAMPP stuff thats way over my head and Ive already screwed up my site and blog more than once doing funky shtuff like that. Im just a big scaredy.
So I think I pretty much got that part Laib its the where do I put the code part I dont know. I got something in the bottom of the sidebar, but what if I wanted to put something in between some widgets in the sidebar!? Like I got my starrating to show up at the bottom of my posts somehow (have no idea it was 4am and I was inserting the code randomly all over till it worked) but now Id like to put the rankings in the sidebar in the middle of a bunch of widgets.
Am I being super difficult?
Actually you should, no, you must install XAMPP to make it easier for yourself :)
Here's how:
1) Download XAMPP for Windows (if you are using Windows)
2) Install it
3) Run XAMPP Control Panel (Start -> Apache Friends -> XAMPP -> XAMPP Control Panel)
4) Make sure Apache and mySQL are running. If not, click "Start" respectively
5) Unpack b2evo-v2.0-alpha1 to this directory:
* Assuming you installed XAMPP to its default directory -> C:/xampp/
6) Open your browser and go to http://localhost/b2evo/
7) Install b2evo:
* DB User: use "root" (without " ")
* DB Pass: leave it blank
* DB name: any name you want (I haven't tested, but I think b2evo can create DBs if it doesn't exist)
8) Then go back to your skin upgrades....
With "localhost" setup, you can freely edit, test, check your stuff "offline" on your "local machine" without messing your production site (ie live, public website).
Here's my tip: Do not think anything is "way over my head". If you sit down, take a deep breathe, and put your mind into it, you will understand it.
The reason why we fail to understand something is because of the ff:
1) We want to or must rush things
2) Thinking of too many things at the same time
3) We messed something so we're on "panic" mode
4) We don't read or is lazy to read
5) We were too used to "asking" around instead of "learning" it along the way
In other words, just relax. As I've said above, if you made a backup of your old b2evo files and database, put it back online. Otherwise, you really have to live with the downtime of your blog.
We are all practically new to Skins 2.0, I myself is still learning which is which, and thinking of ways how to figure out what this and that do. Sometimes, I read the code of the software backwards (ie trackbacking) just to understand something, or how it works. I know how you feel. We all want answers quick and fast. But there are times when the answers are not easily available.
Finally. If evopress is really hard. Just use the "custom" skin. Everything is in the custom skin - 1 single file, like it used to. Just compare your file to custom skin and see which is which.
Again, "custom" skin for the Skin 1.0 style
"evopress" skin for Skin 2.0 style
And btw, you should forget about your plugins for now. If there are plugins that are vital for your blog, test them offline. There are surely plugins that are not compatible with b2evo version 2 and may mess your live site far beyond fixing.
Relax my friend. You can do it. Take a break if you have to.
We're all learning Skins 2.0, I'm not done with my skin upgrade myself coz I kept on discovering something new and seeing something I can't figure out what it does.
All I can do is if I got something confirmed, I will compile it and post it here in the forums. :)
Hope that helps.
You can do it!
wow, now Im even more scared with all that detail :lol:
Like what is Apache Friends?
They're the good people who created XAMPP ;) so people like you and me who doesn't want to delve deep into installing Apache, mySQL, etc. on our own machines, can have an easy time setting up our localhost/local machine for site developing.
There is another, a solo-dev guy, developing easyPHP, which is what I used to use until XAMPP was recommended to me.
so Im installing it to my site or my computer?
Your computer :)
you know that does clear up a few things for me!
Nicca619 wrote:
you know that does clear up a few things for me!
It will be fine :) You'll have a localhost/local server on your PC after it is installed. :)
Just follow the steps I outlined a few posts above :)
All you need from XAMPP Control Panel is Apache and mySQL, that's all. :) Then put a "copy" of b2evo v2.0.0-alpha1 to /xampp/htdocs/b2evo/
and access it via http://localhost/b2evo/ to install it, and so on. Use 'root' as your DBuser, with no password. DBname, put anything, I think b2evo have a script to create the DB if it doesn't exist.
Visit http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
Login as "root" with no password
On "Create new database" type the name of your DB.
Then continue on with your b2evo installation.
It will work :) And I'm sure you'll find it useful.
Thanks Laibcoms - I know it's off topic but I found it very useful (XAMPP)
So Im here and Ive gotten to:
1) Download XAMPP for Windows (if you are using Windows)
2) Install it
3) Run XAMPP Control Panel (Start -> Apache Friends -> XAMPP -> XAMPP Control Panel)
4) Make sure Apache and mySQL are running. If not, click "Start" respectively
5) Unpack b2evo-v2.0-alpha1 to this directory:
* Assuming you installed XAMPP to its default directory -> C:/xampp/
6) Open your browser and go to http://localhost/b2evo/
7) Install b2evo:
* DB User: use "root" (without " ")
* DB Pass: leave it blank
* DB name: any name you want (I haven't tested, but I think b2evo can create DBs if it doesn't exist)
Let me tell you its taken huge amounts of brain cells for me to figure out this cryptic computer lingo! But I've made it, I'm so proud, think Ill go make a virgin margarita (I'm pregnant so yeah virgin).
So Im doing the happy dance and them BAM:
MySQL error!
Error selecting database [b2evolution]!
1. Are you sure the database exists?
2. Are you sure the DB user is allowed to use that database?
3. Are you sure there is a valid database connection?
It seems that the database config settings you entered don't work. Please check them carefully and try again...
I get this always when updating to my server so I go in and fix the file manually like it instructs but this is slightly different and I really am at a loss of how Id fix this!
I got that prob - you have to create a new database to install your B2 into
go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
in the main area of the screen (not the navigation bar)
look for "Databases" (below privelages and above export)
Click on it
at the bottom is a box to enter the name and a [CREATE] button
THANKS THANKS THANKS. I wish I had seen this first. It is a gem!
I strongly suggest you restore a backup of your "production" site first.
Then go to XAMPP - http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html And install their software.
Then load up b2evolution v2.0-alpha1 on your localhost, and start migrating your skin there - offline.
That's my tip.
Now to answer your question.
Look for these files:
Use the skin "evopress" as your guideline.
You can also use the "custom" skin if you prefer the old-way of skinning (ie. All stuff in one long index.main.php file.)
Most of the files I mentioned above are located on your /skins/ folder.
Hope that helps :)