2 afwas Sep 12, 2007 06:43

As I said above, GD library is enabled, version 2.0.28 with PNG support. What other settings should I check? Where?
I get those black thumbs for everything, let alone .png
eg: Under File management: Current dir: skins/natural_pink/rsc/img/
All .gif images are black with "EWR-access" written in red.
GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
FreeType Version 2.1.9
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPG Support enabled
PNG Support enabled
WBMP Support enabled
XBM Support enabled
Darn, bad reading and fast answering leads to nothing. But still I am convinced this is a php setting issue rather than a bug. The funny part is, I am experiencing the same errors on both my production blog and my local testblogs, both running on php 5.
I have the same or similar GD settings. My previous answer was based on a little play this summer where I got the png errors until I installed the correct libraries. There are more libraries. We just need to find out which ones we need. At least that's my 'educated guess'.
My error shows in pgn only ('Emime' shows on the black squares. I will investigate it.)
If you are interested in comparison, you find my phpinfo [url=http://www.blog.hemminga.net/phpinfo.php]here[/url].
Good luck
I did some investigation and found the following. Troubles arise in ../blogs/inc/files/mode/_image.funcs.php
1) png thumbs are not being created
2) gif thumbnails have their transparent area's turned black.
3) like so, if I enable png thumbnails, the same problem as with the gif thumbnails arises.
I made a hack that solves all but one issue: partial transparent png pics are still black where the transparency is not 100%, so you see more black than there should be.
What to do:
1) delete cache, you find cached thumbs in ../blogs/media/YOURBLOG/.evocache. Delete all png/gifs (If you have several blogs, there are several folders)
2) Download, unzip and overwrite the file ../blogs/inc/files/mode/_image.funcs.php with this one.
Good luck
just btw:
Afwas wrote:
If you are interested in comparison, you find my phpinfo [url=http://www.blog.hemminga.net/phpinfo.php]here[/url].
Wow.. that's quite dated..! PHP 5.0.5 from 2005-10. You should upgrade that one.
Emime is a shortcut for "Error because of the MIME type".
It means "This is Evocore speaking I cannot handle the PNG mime type yet, but it's on the dev's todo list".
All that trying to fit in the smallest thumbnails.
Afwas wrote:
What to do:
1) delete cache, you find cached thumbs in ../blogs/media/YOURBLOG/.evocache. Delete all png/gifs (If you have several blogs, there are several folders)
2) Download, unzip and overwrite the file ../blogs/inc/files/mode/_image.funcs.php with this one.Good luck
i having the same problem..
Any Chance to get this file also ? i can't see any file to download...
maybe i'm blind ? :)
This is something that is fixed (probably not completely but better that it is today) in the next version.
Check the repositories for this new file. The file that I made had flaws and is no part of the actual solution.
Good luck
Can you check the settings of your php? For png creation php relies on the GD library. See http://www.php.net/gd.
Good luck