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1 Sep 24, 2007 01:17    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

How do I

Remove the permalink from the linkblog in this skin? I have looked all over the -linkblog.php and I have not found anything?


2 Sep 24, 2007 04:42

Items such as the linkblog (but also calendar etc etc) have a default file located in the ../blogs/skins/ folder. The creator of the skin can either use this default (by using the minimal _linkblog.php file in the ,,/blogs/skins/YOURSKIN/ folder) or do a complete makeover (by copying the default _linkblog.php file to the YOURSKIN folder and editing it).

This information will help you in this way: if you want to change the behaviour of the l33t_gray skin only, copy the file ../blogs/skins/_linkblog.php to the ../blogs/skins/l33t_gray/ folder and remove lines 75 and 76:

echo ' ';
$Item->permalink_link('#icon#', '#',  '' );

If you want to change this for every skin, edit the file ../blogs/skins/_linkblog.php directly.

Good luck

3 Sep 24, 2007 19:45

I see.... There are TWO linkblog files. ACK! How confusing!

Thanks. :)


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