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1 Sep 27, 2007 04:24    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

How can individual Widgets be located in specific positions?
I may want to locate the Search Widget between the Header and the Posts.
I may want to locate the Categories Widget in a Column 1 and the Archives Plugin Widget in Column 2, both side by side at the bottom of the page, below Pagination
etc etc
So, how are Widgets best displayed individually throughout index.main.php without being restricted to Header, Sidebar or Footer as per the Widget set up in Admin.

3 Sep 27, 2007 14:46

Thanks... I'll dive into it.
It sure is a long winded way to just relocate a Search Widget :)

4 Sep 27, 2007 19:31


Another thing you'll notice sooner or later is the lack of the ability to move existing widgets to another container.

And well, the lack of "global" widgets, especially for free html, where the content is the same for all blogs.

Anyway, suggested those two, hopefully by final it'll be implemented.

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