2 yabba Sep 29, 2007 12:26

Hi, in the demo.. v1.10.x, it works fine.
But under v2.0.1 (with HTML checker on) the error shows.
My test text/content:
Invalid post, please correct these errors:
Tag <blockquote> may not contain raw character data
The "notice" I mentioned above, btw, shows up on the backoffice after pressing Save. Then since there are errors, it reloads back to the edit page, now shoing the "Notice" errors.
I can't seem to replicate the error with the [url=http://demo.b2evolution.net/HEAD/blogs/admin.php?login=admin&pwd=demopass]cvs demo[/url] ( or on my own cvs test blog ), so this may have been cured already :D
Yep, should have been fixed already.
Btw, where or how can I access the cvs itself for b2evo 2.0? I tried the existing instruction, but I don't see b2evo's bleeding edge. Only the b2evo that's been released.
It's been that long since I used anonymous cvs access that I'm buggered if I can remember how :p
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/evocms login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/evocms co -P b2evolution/blogs
When it asks for a password just press enter/ok
Tested it, works fine now with 2.0.2 cvs 10/1 3:00pm.
Can you replicate this on the demo?