2 yabba Oct 01, 2007 10:12

The fix from that post, that is, editing inc/items/model/_itemslistlight.class.php and changing (line 1069) from:
elseif( $this->filters['unit'] == 'posts' )
elseif( $this->filters['unit'] == 'posts' || $this->filters['unit'] == 'all' )
Makes the message:
Sorry, there is nothing to display...
appear when you hit next page, even if there are posts.
I encounter the same error when I logout. I got this error.
Additional information about this error:
Unhandled LIMITING mode in ItemList:all (paged mode is obsolete)
Could someone help me?
For anyone else who's interested, this issue has been solved in Millenium (2.0.2) by using the following statement to bring up the pagination links instead of what was used in 2.0.1:
// Links to list pages:
mainlist_page_links( array(
'block_start' => '',
'block_end' => '',
'prev_text' => '<< '.T_('Previous Page'),
'next_text' => T_('Next Page').' >>'
) );
See if the fix in [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=12741]this post[/url] works for you ;)