2 mar1985 Oct 20, 2007 21:42

This still happens in the Beta release
Permissions for /home/wow-factor/media/users/john/ seem to be wrong.
See http://manual.b2evolution.net/Debugging#Permissions for a script which helps in debugging this.
Well, I got a list of greens
777 / wow-factor/* /home/wow-factor/media/blogs/:
755 / wow-factor/
o /home/wow-factor/media/blogs/b/:
755 / wow-factor/
o /home/wow-factor/media/blogs/a/:
755 / wow-factor/
o /home/wow-factor/media/blogs/links/:
755 / wow-factor/
o /home/wow-factor/media/blogs/all/:
755 / wow-factor/
* /home/wow-factor/media/users/:
755 / wow-factor/
o /home/wow-factor/media/users/john/:
775 / wow-factor/
+ /home/wow-factor/media/users/john/.evocache/:
755 / wow-factor/
# /home/wow-factor/media/users/john/.evocache/icon_factory4.jpg/:
755 / wow-factor/
# /home/wow-factor/media/users/john/.evocache/virgin_mobile.jpg/:
etc etc
Does Google_news.jpg already exist?
Can you send me the link to the debug script?
Pm'ed you the link blueyed
No, the Google_news.jpg is the only one with that name
The directory "john" is 775 and owned by "wow-factor". It has no group?! (or the script fails here)
However, the script runs as "apache" and therefor has only read access. You may want to "chgrp" the directories and files to "apache" and then use 775/664 for all of them.
Of course, 777/666 would also work, because "apache" currently is the same as "rest of the world".
Thank, I'll give that a spin and report back
Ok, john at 777 now allows me to upload instead of FTP'ing
However in File Managment / browse all images uploaded or FTP'd
still show as black thumbnails with the red "Ewr - access" across them ?
"Ewr" means "Error while writing" AFAIK.
You may want to open up the .evocache folders also for all users on your server (chmod 777).. :|
Thanks mate, I can now upload and I can now see the thumbnails.
Again, your help is appreciated :)
have the same problem but chmod ing 777 didnt work
Duplicated problem in v2.2.0 with media and blogs and this_blog set to 777. I can upload via FTP and access via the back office, but I can not upload via the files tab. Mine is an upgraded installation, and I have not tested this on a new installation.
Warning: move_uploaded_file(/path/to/blog/media/blogs/weblog//two_monitors.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/wonderw/public_html/inc/files/upload.ctrl.php on line 323
Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/php0dzFmu' to '/path/to/blog/media/blogs/weblog//two_monitors.jpg' in /path/to/blog/inc/files/upload.ctrl.php on line 323
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path/to/blog/inc/files/upload.ctrl.php:323) in /path/to/blog/inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 2411
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path/to/blog/inc/files/upload.ctrl.php:323) in /path/to/blog/inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 2414
I notice a double / in the first warning, and wonder if it is important.
How I got round this :
1) renamed all my current /media/blogs/folder/ to folder_bak
2) opened up/media and /media/blogs to 777
3) hit filemanager, get loads of green shit about folders being created
4) locked down /media and /media/blogs ( to 755 or summat )
5) copied all files from folder_bak to folder ( if any folders have sub folders, create them through FM and copy their files across as well )
end result is that apache is the folder owner and the fileman works without world access
Is this possible through FTP?
In 2.4.0 I was getting a ".evocache folder read/write error" message and thought this might help.
EDIT: Never mind, I think I've got it sorted, although I'm not entirely sure how.
I have this same problem, ill tryout what you guys said.
[url=http://b2evolution.net]non-blog removed[/url]
miller64917 where are you having this problem? Certainly not on the truck leasing site that was linked in and is now removed from both your posts here in these forums.
Don't use these forums to push your link if your link is not a b2evolution powered blog and the content of your post is helpful. Your link was powered by yahoo
<meta name="generator" content="Yahoo! SiteBuilder/2.5/1.5.0_09">
This comment is, as far as I care, a lie.
I've got the same problem!!!
Could it be caused by safe mode??