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1 Oct 28, 2007 17:56    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Currently, uploading an image let you do it with its original size. This makes the upload time long and the use of the picture difficult on a post. Do anybody have an idea to resize the images prior to uploading them? Does such a plugin in exist? Or can anybody create one?

I would sincerely appreciate any help on this topic.

Thanks in advance


2 Oct 28, 2007 18:36

Do anybody have an idea to resize the images prior to uploading them?

The only possible way is with client side software like adobe et al


3 Oct 28, 2007 19:39

¥åßßå wrote:

Do anybody have an idea to resize the images prior to uploading them?

The only possible way is with client side software like adobe et al


Strange. Some other tools allow it: wordpress, .... And nobody can do nothing for b2evolution?

4 Oct 28, 2007 19:55

The only possible way to resize an image before it's uploaded is via client side software period.


5 Oct 28, 2007 20:22

¥åßßå wrote:

The only possible way to resize an image before it's uploaded is via client side software period.


For the record: php has some image manipulation functions including resizing. It's not implemented in b2evo though. That will change the size of the pictures during/after uploading and not deal with your problem.


jacottin: search Google for "batch resize" and/or "thumbnail". There's some freeware around that does what you want before you upload the pics.

6 Oct 28, 2007 23:21

I've done an image resize hack. My documentation is only in german, if you are interested send me a message, I'll explain it to you (you need mod_rewrite).
With my hack you can resize images while posting via url, for example:

Original Image: /blogs/media/blogs/username/image.jpg

Max. 300px url: /blogs/media/blogs/thumber300/username/image.jpg

Max. 150px url: /blogs/media/blogs/thumber150/username/image.jpg



7 Oct 28, 2007 23:36

OK, I did not mean specifically resizing <b>before</b> the upload but at least automatically and through an user friendly interface and not with a code line or complicated HTML code or something like that.

I have in mind the functions provided by packaged solutions such as Blogger.

Thanks for any tip.

8 Oct 29, 2007 18:25

Version 2.0.x should resize the images when they're first displayed, as long as they're "attached" to a post.

Before you ask, I have no idea how to "attach" them to a post ;)


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