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1 Oct 30, 2007 09:00    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I see where has

require_js( 'functions.js' );
require_js( 'rollovers.js' );

in it. Is this actually required, and if so what for? Has anyone tried stripping it out yet? I'll give it a go but I figured I'd also ask...

2 Oct 30, 2007 14:39

Hi EdB,

Personman introduced the [url=]jQuery[/url] in B2evo and I think these javaScript files are part of it. If you want to find out if you can live without, just try. What does NoSript say about your bog without javaScript?

Good luck

3 Nov 04, 2007 01:33

I took a shot and removed them and - as one would expect - the blog works fine. I had another javascript in there for the 'evobar' on top, so I commented out that line as well. In retrospect I didn't need to do that because no one will see that if they aren't logged in, but I did and therefore the page delivers without any javascripts.

Oddly enough the NoScript extension still shows the symbol it uses when you haven't trusted the source of the scripts. Viewing the source shows me no reason why this should happen. I'm guessing when I say that perhaps the document type makes NoScript think "something" is up when in fact nothing is present. To test this I'll upload a modified copy of my source code, where the modification is to change the doc type to plain old HTML40.

I think the only downside to clipping the two lines in my first post here is that there may one day be a plugin that needs those scripts for regular visitors, and therefore those plugins won't work. To me that is a price I'd rather pay than have my web imply javascript is required - especially when there are clearly calls to the scripts in my source code.

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