2 afwas Nov 24, 2007 13:33

Interesting... I replaced my inc folder from a freshly downloaded zip package and saw the same problem. I tried it in IE and saw a similar problem because I am not logged in via IE.
inc/_core/ui/forms/_form.class.php around line 180 I find this:
'fieldset_begin' => '<fieldset $fieldset_attribs$>'."\n"
.'<legend $title_attribs$>$fieldset_title$</legend>'."\n",
'fieldset_end' => '</fieldset>'."\n",
'fieldstart' => '<fieldset $ID$>'."\n",
To my mind this is where the extra spaces are coming from. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure <fieldset $fieldset_attribs$> will create <fieldset > if $fieldset_attribs$ is nothing.
The demo site shows the extra spaces in some fields in that area. BTW PHP version is 5.2.5 and MySQL version is 4.1.22 if it matters.
I'm sure I cured that bug ages ago :-S
This is similar or even equal? Have a look at this post by sam2kb: [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=13506&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=][2.2.0] Login form: <fieldset$ID$>[/url].
Good luck
Same bug, locking this thread due to "ongoing".
Edit: NOT the same bug. This bug - $ID$ immediately prior to the textarea for commenting when logged in - is gone in MY 2.2.0 installation.
Comparison from my site.