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- [2.1.0] Plugin hooks and descriptions
1 edb Nov 29, 2007 02:55
From v2.1.0 /blogs/inc/plugins/model/_plugins_admin.class.php:
Hook: AdminAfterPageFooter;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AdminDisplayEditorButton;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AdminDisplayToolbar;
Description: Display a toolbar on the edit screen(s)
Hook: AdminDisplayCommentFormFieldset;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AdminDisplayItemFormFieldset;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AdminEndHtmlHead;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AdminAfterMenuInit;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AdminTabAction;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AdminTabPayload;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AdminToolAction;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AdminToolPayload;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AdminBeforeItemEditCreate;
Description: This gets called before a new item gets created from the backoffice.
Hook: AdminBeforeItemEditUpdate;
Description: This gets called before an existing item gets updated from the backoffice.
Hook: AdminBeforeItemEditDelete;
Description: This gets called before an existing item gets deleted from the backoffice.
Hook: AdminBeginPayload;
Description: no description provided
Hook: CacheObjects;
Description: Cache data objects.
Hook: CachePageContent;
Description: Cache page content.
Hook: CacheIsCollectingContent;
Description: Gets asked for if we are generating cached content.
Hook: AfterCommentDelete;
Description: Gets called after a comment has been deleted from the database.
Hook: AfterCommentInsert;
Description: Gets called after a comment has been inserted into the database.
Hook: AfterCommentUpdate;
Description: Gets called after a comment has been updated in the database.
Hook: AfterItemDelete;
Description: no description provided
Hook: PrependItemInsertTransact;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AfterItemInsert;
Description: no description provided
Hook: PrependItemUpdateTransact;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AfterItemUpdate;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AppendItemPreviewTransact;
Description: no description provided
Hook: FilterItemContents;
Description: Filters the content of a post/item right after input.
Hook: UnfilterItemContents;
Description: Unfilters the content of a post/item right before editing.
Hook: RenderItemAsHtml;
Description: Renders content when generated as HTML.
Hook: RenderItemAsXml;
Description: Renders content when generated as XML.
Hook: RenderItemAsText;
Description: Renders content when generated as plain text.
Hook: DisplayItemAsHtml;
Description: Called on an item when it gets displayed as HTML.
Hook: DisplayItemAsXml;
Description: Called on an item when it gets displayed as XML.
Hook: DisplayItemAsText;
Description: Called on an item when it gets displayed as text.
Hook: FilterCommentAuthor;
Description: Filters the comment author.
Hook: FilterCommentAuthorUrl;
Description: Filters the URL of the comment author.
Hook: FilterCommentContent;
Description: Filters the content of a comment.
Hook: AfterUserDelete;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AfterUserInsert;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AfterUserUpdate;
Description: no description provided
Hook: FilterIpAddress;
Description: Called when displaying an IP address.
Hook: ItemApplyAsRenderer;
Description: Asks the plugin if it wants to apply as a renderer for an item.
Hook: ItemCanComment;
Description: Asks the plugin if an item can receive comments/feedback.
Hook: ItemSendPing;
Description: Send a ping to a service about new items.
Hook: ItemViewsIncreased;
Description: Called when the view counter of an item got increased.
Hook: SkinTag;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AppendHitLog;
Description: Called when a hit gets logged, but before it gets recorded.
Hook: DisplayCommentToolbar;
Description: Display a toolbar on the public feedback form
Hook: DisplayCommentFormButton;
Description: no description provided
Hook: DisplayCommentFormFieldset;
Description: no description provided
Hook: DisplayMessageFormButton;
Description: no description provided
Hook: DisplayMessageFormFieldset;
Description: no description provided
Hook: DisplayLoginFormFieldset;
Description: Called when displaying the "Login" form.
Hook: DisplayRegisterFormFieldset;
Description: Called when displaying the "Register" form.
Hook: DisplayValidateAccountFormFieldset;
Description: Called when displaying the "Validate account" form.
Hook: CommentFormSent;
Description: Called when a public comment form has been sent and gets received.
Hook: BeforeCommentFormInsert;
Description: Called before a comment gets recorded through the public comment form.
Hook: AfterCommentFormInsert;
Description: Called after a comment has been added through public form.
Hook: BeforeTrackbackInsert;
Description: Gets called before a trackback gets recorded.
Hook: AfterTrackbackInsert;
Description: Gets called after a trackback has been recorded.
Hook: LoginAttempt;
Description: Called when a user tries to login.
Hook: LoginAttemptNeedsRawPassword;
Description: A plugin has to return true here, if it needs a raw (un-hashed) password in LoginAttempt.
Hook: AlternateAuthentication;
Description: no description provided
Hook: MessageFormSent;
Description: Called when the "Message to user" form has been submitted.
Hook: MessageFormSentCleanup;
Description: Called after a email message has been sent through public form.
Hook: Logout;
Description: Called when a user logs out.
Hook: GetSpamKarmaForComment;
Description: Asks plugin for the spam karma of a comment/trackback.
Hook: CaptchaValidated;
Description: Validate the test from CaptchaPayload to detect humans.
Hook: CaptchaValidatedCleanup;
Description: Cleanup data used for CaptchaValidated.
Hook: CaptchaPayload;
Description: Provide a turing test to detect humans.
Hook: RegisterFormSent;
Description: Called when the "Register" form has been submitted.
Hook: ValidateAccountFormSent;
Description: Called when the "Validate account" form has been submitted.
Hook: AppendUserRegistrTransact;
Description: Gets appended to the transaction that creates a new user on registration.
Hook: AfterUserRegistration;
Description: Gets called after a new user has registered.
Hook: SessionLoaded;
Description: no description provided
Hook: AfterLoginAnonymousUser;
Description: Gets called at the end of the login procedure for anonymous visitors.
Hook: AfterLoginRegisteredUser;
Description: Gets called at the end of the login procedure for registered users.
Hook: BeforeBlogDisplay;
Description: Gets called before a (part of the blog) gets displayed.
Hook: SkinBeginHtmlHead;
Description: Gets called at the top of the HTML HEAD section in a skin.
Hook: SkinEndHtmlBody;
Description: Gets called at the end of the skin's HTML BODY section.
Hook: DisplayTrackbackAddr;
Description: no description provided
Hook: GetCronJobs;
Description: Gets a list of implemented cron jobs.
Hook: GetProvidedSkins;
Description: Get a list of "skins" handled by the plugin.
Hook: PluginUserSettingsEditAction;
Description: Called as action before editing a user's settings.
I pulled it from the file and formatted it nicely for this forum. I made visiglyphs work in 210. Very easy to do. But since people wanted to use email or name instead of IP I wanted to add that. Not so hard to do, and done. But since I wanted to make it a plugin I figured I needed to know all the hooks available, so I did what I did last time and found the motherload of plugin hook information. It's not hidden or anything. It's just a cool place to go when you are thinking about hooks you might want to use. Now I can reference this post instead of having to actually open a file. Opening a file is hard. Caucusing is easy. Opening a file is hard.