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1 Dec 07, 2007 17:16    

My b2evolution Version: 2.2.x

Ever since moving to the 2.x versions, the evopress skin is exhibiting a strange behavior in IE7 that I have researched and poured over the style.css and all associated .php files trying to resolve, to no avail.

When opening a blog using the evopress skin, the title on the AllBlog summary page displays perfectly. If, however, you drill down into any of the individual blogs, it doesn't, but only in IE7 (I don't have access to IE6 to test whether it is a general IE issue or specific IE7 issue). In FireFox it displays perfectly.

To understand what I'm saying, consider this example. If the blog title is Bob's Technical Blog, in Firefox it displays all on one line, centered like it should be. In IE7, it looks something like this:

Technical Blog.

It seems to me that IE7 is interpreting something incorrectly, but I'm not a CSS guru and I've looked at everything I can think of to figure it out.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

2 Dec 08, 2007 12:57

I tried this on a brand new 2.2.0 installation and could not duplicate the problem. Complete with the sample title you provided. Is yours brand new, or is it upgraded to 220?

Oh and were you logged in on IE7? I wasn't. I only use IE to test stuff, so I visited my test installation as a regular visitor.

Have you customized anything in the evopress skin itself?

Got a link where we can see this happening?

3 Dec 09, 2007 01:09


Thanks for the reply.

This is an upgraded install from 2.0.2, I hadn't thought of that. I will try copying the evopress folder from a clean copy and see if that solves my problem (not sure why I didn't think of that first).

I have viewed it both logged in and not logged in, and on other computers, so it isn't an issue local to my machine.

I haven't customized anything on this skin except then title and removal of the RSS feeds on comments. Other than that, it's pretty vanilla.

Unfortunately this is a secure blog inside my firewall that I can't provide access to, but I appreciate the offer to look closer.

If putting a new copy of the skin fixes the problem, I'll post back.

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