2 john Jan 18, 2008 21:26

bugger, we've got a random problem that keeps kicking the download plugin into touch :(
The direct link to ( this version of ) the file is [url=http://downloads.astonishme.co.uk/version-2-x/am_bloglist_1_0.zip]http://downloads.astonishme.co.uk/version-2-x/am_bloglist_1_0.zip[/url]
I've installed this widget ok but how does it work? how do I access it?
Hi Folks,
I've installed am bloglist so that I can re arrange my blogs but I can't see how to use it. Where do you access it in the admin panel? There's no new tab.
Please help.
Hi there, it's a tad more convenient to keep the support on the support thread ([url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=14026]Bloglost support thread[/url] )
If you read the full post it which tells you how to use it ( Bloglist home page ).
sorry....but I did and got not resonse.
The reason for the lack of response is because I've been a smidge busy the last couple of days sorting out an irritating little bug with one of our internal plugins.
Have you read the instructions on using the plugin ? [url=http://b2evo.astonishme.co.uk/control-your-bloglist]Instructions[/url] ?
Installed the plug-in but...
Notice: Undefined variable: disp_params in /home/www/blogs/plugins/_am_bloglist.plugin.php on line 147
146 & 147:
if( $this->disp_params[ 'block_display_title' ] ) // container wants title
echo $disp_params[ 'block_title_start' ].$this->disp_params[ 'title' ].$this->disp_params[ 'block_title_end' ];
What version of the bloglist are you running ? This is lines 146 -> 151
// sort blogs based on notes field
natcasesort( $blogKeys );
echo $this->disp_params['block_start']."\n";
if( $this->disp_params[ 'block_display_title' ] )
{ // container wants title
echo $this->disp_params[ 'block_title_start' ]
.$this->disp_params[ 'title' ]
.$this->disp_params[ 'block_title_end' ];
You can get the current version from my credits page ( [url=http://waffleson.co.uk/2007/10/credits]credits[/url] ) just click the tacky green arrow icon
Downloaded from your site as suggested. Same version, 1.0. Same problem. I'll leave it up so you can see...
Thank you for an ideas you may have and/or suggestions.
Download the plugin again, from the same link ( should now be version 1.1 ) and see if your error goes away.
Thank you!. That fixed the error. Unfortunately it did not yield the expected result. My fault. I'm sure I had the wrong assumptions.
What I was looking for is a simple Alpha list. When I upgraded to 2.x I gained many nice features but lost the alpha sort hack. Apparently it doesn't use the _bloglist.php. Using the notes field seemed like a good idea, but extra data entry work. But I seem to have some long and some short names/descriptions in the database. [Users, can't live with them, can't teach them!] Anyway, what is the variable for longname vs shortname? I tried a couple of guesses, but they were wrong.
Thanks again. Nice addition!
Is the 1.1 version still available somewhere? I could only find version 1.0 and that's giving the same error as above.
Knock yerself out @link [url=http://innervisions.org.uk/media/blogs/babbles/plugins/]plugins[/url] ;)
The download links dont't seem to be rendering as links..