1 phatchopolis Jan 26, 2008 17:21
3 phatchopolis Feb 11, 2008 04:49
Thanks for the info. I'll keep my eye out for it.
4 edb Feb 11, 2008 05:48
Slow going :(
Lots to do though, and I hope to get them done WELL. Like containers and widgets are brand new, and that threw a big wrinkle through the fabric of the skinned universe. Getting there though ... hoping to actually publish a couple in the next 3 or 4 days. Once I get a few easier ones done I'll have learned a lot, and hopefully enough to get through more ... then more ... then more.
Yup! Just started working on a dozen "golden oldies", and 'classic' is on the list. No promises when it gets done! I suggest you add the feed for the 'skins for v2.*' to your favorite aggregator cuz when I'm done that's where they'll go.