2 personman Jan 28, 2008 14:24

Ouh yeah! Thank you very much! I'll try it right away! :D
Thanks again!
i'm running 2.4 and it works fine for me.
I just installed this and getting some code errors on my page.
Does anyone know if this plugin is still supported?
I notice the authors website has pending comments for a while now.
Any advise.
I'll give Danny a nudge when he wakes up ;)
Awesome. Thank you.
It would be great if this was a poll that could be used as a post as well. Not just on the sidebar but as an actual post.
Is there a way of making this plugin work like that?
I created a Polls section on y site and want all posts in that section to be polls only.
Any suggestions?
I just uploaded the new version of the plugin, which fixes that issue:
Happy polling,