2 john Feb 11, 2008 11:22

ok hope i can learn form here
Hi zahid44,
Do ask your questions in the forums. We'll be glad to help.
Good luck
John wrote:
Here is some comprehensive documentation on converting a Wordpress theme/skin
thank you john for the info, and the author - fplanque probably- for this manual..
regarding to moral side of this, i don't think this is ripping, it may be "inspiring", in the end, most of the designs are compilation of many resources from all over the web into one new design.. (people do not draw/create graphics everyday for every job)
i will try to see what can be done, if it is kinda easy job, may be a bunch of conversions might be useful for b2evo users (thanks to afwas who has already done this effort number of times)
In order to display comments differently when they are posted by the author of the original post, use this
Where would you insert this:
if( !empty($Comment->author_user_ID) && $Comment->author_user_ID == $Item->Author->ID )
{ // This comment was posted by the author
How does it differ and does anyone have an example post with comments that utilises this code?[/quote]
Here is some comprehensive documentation on converting a Worpress theme/skin