2 afwas Feb 19, 2008 10:52

Thanks Afwas. Looking forward to it.
I fell asleep this afternoon. Boy, am I a lucky guy. But you will have to wait till tomorrow.
I'm very much interested in this as well. I look forward to seeing your write-up on it.
I' m finished. You find the article [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=14515]here[/url].
Have fun
Nicely done on the write up. Now I like that weather widget :-)
Is it openly available?
Where can I find it.
Please advise.
The Weather plugin is available from this place: http://b2evo.astonishme.co.uk/weather
Have fun
Thanks Afwas, this will help me out. I read the HOWTO and you've explained it well.
Thanks Afwas,
That star in the weather plugin just sits so well on my page :-)
Afwas wrote:
The Weather plugin is available from this place: http://b2evo.astonishme.co.uk/weather
Have fun
Afwas, I would just add a note to that tutorial to say that to view the newly added containers in an already installed skin (from the admin panel), we need to go back to "Skins Install" and click on "Reload containers".
harishankar wrote:
Afwas, I would just add a note to that tutorial to say that to view the newly added containers in an already installed skin (from the admin panel), we need to go back to "Skins Install" and click on "Reload containers".
Thanks, I added it to the FAQ
this method makes a lot of sense, but is not working for the custom skin. I noticed that my PHP file does not mention containers anywhere and I imagine that has something to do with it. I would like to add another sidebar to the left so that I can insert some images and hyperlink them (somehow - but I know I can't do that in the backgroud so I am hoping I can do that in a sidebar). It would be nice to have another sidebar to the right for ads but I would be just thrilled to have one to the left where I can hyperlink three pictures in some manner. Can you help?? Is a sidebar the wrong way to go about this or the right way?
Hi Amy,
The custom skin has one big problem: is has a background image. That is /img/bg.png and you will find it in the css.
If you want to widen the space for the cusom skin, you need to start with widening this background image with photoshop or Gimp or any other image editor.
What you should do is disabling this background image in the css first, then add the second column and finish with redoing the image. At that point you know exactly how wode you want it.
If need be I can help you.
Good luck
I had removed the image alltogether and I don't need to put it back. (I believe it was used to create the shadowing and I think it will be cleaner without it). so my skin did not have that. When I attempted the method, the third column was created, but it was a little too wide (it came out equal to the main area but I had set it in the CSS as equal to the right sidebar), but worse than that, the data from the main area was now appearing in the left sidebar and the data that should be in the right sidebar was gone. Also, my back office does not have a global settings tab, and does not have a button to reload containers. The last half of the instructions don't seem to pertain to me.
All of this effort is just to be able to fix a column of hyperlinked images at the left of the blog.
I definitely need help!
Work in progress: http://www.blog.hemminga.net/index.php?blog=9
At the moment my conclusion is that changing the Custom skun involves exactly the same steps as the Asevo one.
Here is the miniature skinshot:
Download: [url=http://www.blog.hemminga.net/media/custom_3c.zip]custom_3c.zip[/url]
Do have a look at the css file, especially if you want to change things.
Have fun
NOW I get it! I appreciate all the help.
I realized that the reason I did not have tabs that others had is that I was running an old version of the software. one upgrade later and your 3 column skin is working GREAT!! I took your updated skin and used it as is tweaking only the colors and installed it. The only issue now is that my footer has decided to creep up into the sidebar at right. see it here:
I think it must be a CSS issue but I don't know enought about it understand what to do. Any advice?
Hi Amy,
It looks like you didn't close the divs for the last two images inside the Free HTML widget. This is what I see:
<a href="http://www.ytb.com/vanderbiltconsultingtravel" target="_blank">
<div align="center">
<img border="0" src="http://www.vanderbilt-consulting.com/blogpictures/BlogAdTravel.jpg" width="136" height="181"></a>
<a href="mailto:avanderbilt@vanderbilt-consulting.com?subject=Booking Request">
<div align="center">
<img border="0" src="http://www.vanderbilt-consulting.com/blogpictures/BlogAdBookDrV.jpg" width="136" height="181"></a>
This is what I expect to find:
<div align="center">
<a href="http://www.ytb.com/vanderbiltconsultingtravel" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src="http://www.vanderbilt-consulting.com/blogpictures/BlogAdTravel.jpg" width="136" height="181"></a>
<div align="center">
<a href="mailto:avanderbilt@vanderbilt-consulting.com?subject=Booking Request">
<img border="0" src="http://www.vanderbilt-consulting.com/blogpictures/BlogAdBookDrV.jpg" width="136" height="181"></a>
Looks like making these alterations will solve your problem.
Good luck
I am learning more code this week than I ever expected! Thanks for setting me straight :D
As a side effect you solved my last problem with this skin.
Do you see the line above the footer running through the right side vertical bar?
I looked at it yesterday, but couldn't find the solution *because my horizontal bar has the same color as the fading right side image*. I never knew it continued so far.
In the style.css file find:
p.baseline {
width: 990px;
border-top: 1px solid #666;
text-align: center;
font-size: 74%;
color: #880;
padding: 1ex;
margin: 0;
and change width to 990 px as mentioned here.
Good luck
Hi harishankar,
I will write a HOWTO later today