2 yabba Feb 24, 2008 19:53

Perhaps it's because I'm new here and perhaps it's because my (Danish) English just isn't too good..... :D ...In any case I didn't actually understand the following:
...your post count will go up so you'll be nearer a groovy user title change...
However, I tried your copy/paste thing in index.main.php and after replacing "permanent_link" with "url_link" I got the right link on every post title - only the post titles were now the written urls.
I know that getting the right titles on the new links is a question of saying the right magic words in this file......could you or somebody else whisper them into my ears, please ?
PS: I managed to remove the new line in the posts: "Link: ..." all on my own and I'm sooooooooo proud..... ;)
There is a back office setting for what to link post titles to. It defaults to "make it be the permalink" which is a new thing. There is an option for "link it to the 'link to URL' field if there is one" which is pretty much the old school way. There is another option I think for something I can't remember. Probably "don't link it to anything" but I forget.
Anyway a play in the back office will easily make post titles be permalinks OR links to a URL you might have posted with. I changed mine to be the second because I like it the old school way.
I found it !
It's in:
Dashboard > Blog Settings > SEO (whatever that means ?) > Main Page / Post List
- where you can choose between the 3 possibilities.
You guys are great ! Thank you again
PS: I wonder what the 5 smiling guys on the pics are doing on that page ?
dk wrote:
PS: I wonder what the 5 smiling guys on the pics are doing on that page ?
They're happy to be a part of the package?
Or maybe since SEO is "Search Engine Optimization" and they are allegedly really good at that stuff, maybe they're happy b2evolution is offering one-click methods to set your blog up the way they think will make the search engines love you.
Nah... They're happy to be part of the package :)
For your information:
The 1-click thing above turns out to work perfectly for all my 2.4 blogs......except the one in which I changed something in index.main.php.
After replacing this file with the original index.main.php everything in regard to the title links is perfect like in the other blogs/skins.
I don't know yet, if other changes in this file will have the same effect but I thought you should know.
About the smiling guys and their services: I'll have a closer look at them ;)
sheesh, when I suggested that you increase your post count I expected more than just a copy + paste ! :|
That said, here's a copy paste from my /skins/skin_name/index.main.php :