2 edb Mar 16, 2008 03:19

EdB wrote:
What version are you using? My guess is an old one because spam pretty much stops at the door in anything reasonably new.
I don't know. I just got deluged with trackback spam on my English blog. It's odd I didn't get any on my Esperanto blog, especially since my old WordPress blog was in Esperanto (I had a few English posts but people couldn't comment because the antispam question was in Esperanto) and I have my .htaccess redirect to my Esperanto b2evolution blog. I've disabled trackbacks on my English blog for the time being.
Trackbacks are, I think, completely unprotected in b2evo. And, as you've noticed, are spam magnets. Although I guess I should have been able to guess that needs a "on English blogs" qualifier. Either turn 'em off or use captcha to hide the URL from screen-scraping bots.
Digging up some oldies today eh?
EdB wrote:
Trackbacks are, I think, completely unprotected in b2evo. And, as you've noticed, are spam magnets.
True. Pingbacks are much better because they at least have some validation.[/quote]
EdB wrote:
Either turn 'em off or use captcha to hide the URL from screen-scraping bots.
EdB wrote:
Digging up some oldies today eh?
Actually, it was on the first page.
What version are you using? My guess is an old one because spam pretty much stops at the door in anything reasonably new.