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1 Mar 02, 2008 16:08    

Hi all,

This night I upgraded from 1.9 to 2.4. All well, nice new features and such, but what I am missing is the "upload" button below the post, with which you could upload an image and directly insert the html into the post.

I find it to be cumbersome first clicking on "files" then "upload", uploading the file, select it from the list and insert the html.

Is there a simple way to reinstate this button? (PHP-wise)

2 Mar 02, 2008 21:54

if you click files then you see on the top right of the filemanager window 'upload'

If you click that, you can upload up to 5 files.
Once you click on 'upload to server' the code to insert in your post is on the top left of that same window.

Isn't that the same code as in 1.8 ? (to me it is, at least it has the same functionallity

3 Mar 02, 2008 22:09

It is basicly the same, but the difference is that it starts downloading all previous images. You can switch thumbnail-view off, but still, I've got hundreds of pictures there, so it takes some time, which is annoying. I'd like to skip that screen.

4 Mar 02, 2008 22:11

ok, I hear you,
I have the same (hundreds of pics)
and in that particular case your are 100% right

5 Mar 02, 2008 22:13

Yeah this would be a nice restoration. None of the functionality is lost, but the extra step of having to see the full file manager is a pain. "Upload -> browse, select, upload -> add code to post" was a bit simpler AND didn't require accessing all the images that existed prior to the most recent upload.

6 Mar 02, 2008 22:33

:-) Thanks. Wouldn't it be quite simple to add this again? A link to the second tab would be enough, I'd reckon.

(Just for my private branch)

7 Mar 11, 2008 19:02

I'd like to second this. Having to browse every image to find the one you want is painful for those that have a lot of images.

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