2 sharky Apr 24, 2008 02:18

There is also a change at http://b2evolution.net/about/userblogs.php - which by the way does not seem to coincide with the list on the main page. I have no idea what the changes are, why some on the main page are bolded, and why what's on the main page doesn't seem to match what's on the page I linked here.
Thanks for the moral support EdB.
I am bumping this thread again because inquiring minds really want to know what is up with the changes to the Recently Updated Blogs, Cool B2evo users, etc...
Also, I am bumping this so that spam is not at the top of the chat away section...
Actually there are so many updates now that the list changes so fast that it's almost impossible to catch the moment when your blog appears! :P
Just kidding. It uses some kind of "AI" algorithm that gives priority to:
- Cool design
- Credit links
- No porn
- No popups
- Recent update
It is a combination of all that plus a bit of randomness making it effectively impossible to spam the list by posting some shit every 2 minutes as a few people were doing. Now if you post every 2 minutes you won't get up there more often than someone who posts once a day.
Bolded are clues for 1st time visitors to click there to see what can be done.
Anyways, don't worry, your blog will still appear there several times over the 24 hours that follow a new post.
Hey thanks for the info FP.
I disabled full page ads on my blog a few days ago because they were crashing firefox on my like 3-7 blog fans. I hope this will up the priority of my blog.
Informative interview by the way...I can't wait for the super improved stats.
Is it really 45-75 days after creating a blog before you can be up for display?
fplanque wrote:
Actually there are so many updates now that the list changes so fast that it's almost impossible to catch the moment when your blog appears! :P
Pings from b2evolution -enabled blogs probably also provide information about what version of b2evolution the blog is using.
Have you got statistics about the number of b2evolution blogs out there and the breakdown of these number by the version of blog engine? It would be very interesting to see such stats.
Bumpy Bump Bump.
I only asked because I don't see my blog in the list anymore even though I am pinging away with each post.
I do notice that the blog listings seem to be shuffling up though. I just hope I haven't fallen out of favor, LOL.