2 edb May 23, 2008 18:07

I can copy this in demo, could you try to create a new group http://demo1.b2evolution.net/stable/admin.php?ctrl=users&login=admin&pwd=demopass
The footer of that page says 2.4.3 so it's technically not a 2.4.x release. Release being the keyword yah?
But so what: I can now verify your observation AND note that an empty group is shown on that page. The "Privileged Bloggers" group (one of the initially created groups) is both empty and visible, but a new group is empty and not visible. Oddly enough, there is another missing group: the "Bloggers" group. It is both empty and initially created, but it is not listed.
SO: Groups with members show up. For some unknown reason the "Privileged Bloggers" group shows up, but no other empty group shows up. Therefore the bug is either as you've noted OR the existence of the "Privileged Bloggers" without members is the bug.
I believe the same will hold true for 242 but have not tested it ... and won't because it's too much bother. BTW I did not create a group on my 242 blog: I observed an empty group that happens to be both "Privileged Bloggers" and one of the automagically existing groups upon installation way back in the day.
The footer of that page says 2.4.3 so it's technically not a 2.4.x release. Release being the keyword yah?
New empty groups don't show up in my 3 b2evo-2.4.2 installs.
I guess this is not a feature because you can't edit/delete a group if it's not displayed :-/
Do you have the existing groups empty in any installations? I'm curious, and it might help the developers, to know if ONLY the "PB" group shows up if it is empty. Okay never mind I just found another 242 installation I could play with. "Bloggers" shows up when empty, but "Basic Users" does not show up when empty even though it is the default group new members would go in. For the record, I also have a 1103 installation that shows newly created groups without members.
This is a major-sloppy bug! ALL groups, no matter when they were created and no matter who is or isn't in them, should show up in the list.
You won't believe it, I installed ALL 2.x versions and none of them show "Bloggers" group after install (including 2.4.3 and 2.5.0).
I didn't even try to add a new group after that.
Mine does, or at least my primary installation shows 4 groups including a group with no users. I have no idea why I have a total of 6 "admin" names in 3 groups, but hey I have one empty group showing :)