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1 Jun 12, 2008 00:16    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Hello all,

Sorry if this is a bit of a newbie question...

Can anyone tell me in what file(s) I find the settings for font sizes, colors, etc., specifically for the text of my individual blog postings as well as for various pieces in the sidebar?

I'm using the terrafirma skin in b2 ver 2.4.2

Thanks much,

3 Jun 12, 2008 00:50


I had been working with that file.

I just can't figure out which part of that controls the font for the text of the blog posts.

Can you be more specific in which section of that file I look?


4 Jun 12, 2008 00:58



Use .bText { bla-bla-bla } to change post styles
Use div.bSideItem { bla-bla-bla } to change sidebar block styles

5 Jun 12, 2008 01:01

There's a large number of items that start with .bPosts!

Which item is it?

Am I changing one of the many "font size" entries, or am I changing one of the items that says h1 or h2, etc?

Also, where do I redefine the characteristics of h1, h2, h3, h4, etc?

Thanks again.

6 Jun 12, 2008 01:09

You don't have to search for specific style, you can make/redefine a new one.

Put the following in style.css

.bText { font-size:14px; color:#336699 }
h2.bText { color:red }

7 Jun 12, 2008 01:11

does that redefine h2? or does that set the font for the blog posts? or both?

8 Jun 12, 2008 01:14

h2.bText styles post title

9 Jun 12, 2008 01:16


I want to change the size of the font in the actual posting text.

When I changed the color in the following section, the color of the article title's didn't change. But when I changed the font size, the font size did change!

.bPosts h3, .bPosts h2
position: relative;
top: 4px;
font-size: 22px;
line-height: 25px;
color: #123345;

10 Jun 12, 2008 01:17

See what happens if you change the "font-size:70%;" in the following...

	/* font-size: 10px;
	font-size:small; */
	font-family: Verdana, "Trebuchet ms", helvetica, sans-serif;
	color: #3a3a3a;
	line-height: 18px;

try 74%

11 Jun 12, 2008 01:20

See what happens if you change the "font-size:70%;" in the following...

This will change all fonts, use .bText instead

12 Jun 12, 2008 01:20

Good start...that changed the font size for everything on the page.

How about if I want to change the font size for the blog posts to one thing but for the sidebar stuff to something else?

And how about changing the font color of the blog posts but changing the font color of the sidebar stuff to something else?

Thanks again for your help.

13 Jun 12, 2008 01:24

See above!
I wrote it twice.

For posts

For sidebar

14 Jun 12, 2008 01:30

Sorry, but I still don't get it!

There are a dozen or more .bPosts entries and nothing that says .bText!

Can you cut and paste in a reply exactly which section controls the font sizes?

Sorry I seem a bit dense here...

15 Jun 12, 2008 01:36

Simply add this to your style.css
.bText {font-size:120%;}
.bText {font-size:12px;}

Your right bText isn't included in you CSS so simply add it

16 Jun 12, 2008 01:44

OK, that's sorta working. The thing is that it just jumps from one size to another where I'm trying to get to an in-between size...a size which I was able to get when I did the first thing you said, changing the value in the #skin_wrapper section.

Any thoughts? It happens whether I use px or %. For example, when I go from 140% to 146%, nothing happens, but when I go from 146% to 147% the font jumps up a size.

17 Jun 12, 2008 01:46

Use pixels, it's easier. 10px, 12px, 14px....

18 Jun 12, 2008 01:49

But why do you think I can't get a size that I was able to get the other way?

20 Jun 12, 2008 02:00

This may be of some help...

That skin sets a default size at 70% to start with... so it's effecting everything that's not got a specific overriding style size.

Change it to 12px or whatever your happy with.

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