2 slamp Jun 13, 2008 20:32

Does anybody know if it is possible?
I'd like the tag cloud to display the tags from all or selected blogs.
Help will be much appreciated.
Change the query in /inc/widgets/widgets/_coll_tag_cloud_widget.php from line 148 onward to:
$sql = 'SELECT LOWER(tag_name) AS tag_name, COUNT(itag_itm_ID) AS tag_count
FROM T_items__tag INNER JOIN T_items__itemtag ON itag_tag_ID = tag_ID
INNER JOIN T_postcats ON itag_itm_ID = postcat_post_ID
INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID
INNER JOIN T_items__item ON itag_itm_ID = post_ID
WHERE /* cat_blog_ID = '.$Blog->ID.' AND */ post_status = "published" AND post_datestart < NOW()
GROUP BY tag_name
ORDER BY tag_count DESC
LIMIT '.$this->disp_params['max_tags'];
Good luck
Hello Afwas,
I've tried what you've said and it displays the tags from all blogs, right enough, but the links point to the tags in the blog you are and not the blogs where the tags are..
If I'm in blog 5 clicking on a tag from a different blog I only get "Sorry, there is nothing to display...". :(
Are there any suggestions you want to make?
1) Thange the first line from the code above to:
$sql = 'SELECT LOWER(tag_name) AS tag_name, COUNT(itag_itm_ID) AS tag_count, cat_blog_ID
2) On or around line 200 change that line to:
echo '<a href="'.url_add_param( $Blog->gen_tag_url( $row->tag_name ), 'blog=' . $row->cat_blog_ID . '') . '" style="font-size: '.$size.'pt;" title="'
.sprintf( T_('%d posts'), $row->tag_count ).'">'.format_to_output($row->tag_name).'</a>';
Mind that tags don't agregate, so tag "blog" on blog1 is something different than tag "blog" on blog5. For the rest this should work.
Good luck
In this topic [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=15779][2.4.2] Problem with tag cloud (the one from the core)[/url] you find more information on this widget. Based on experiences shared there I suggest you alter the first line of the query to:
$sql = 'SELECT LOWER(tag_name) AS tag_name, COUNT(DISTINCT itag_itm_ID) AS tag_count, cat_blog_ID
That's adding the 'word' DISTINCT to avoid the same tag being counted more than once if the post has multiple categories.
Is there any way to use this with v 3.3.2? I'm trying to get the same thing to work and am having trouble getting the tags to point to the right blog.
I think yes, I will try to provide you the right sql request for this.