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1 Jun 16, 2008 05:22    

I've been using this for a while w/ no trouble other than occasionally the Digg icon goes away but it usually comes back soon after. But this time, after a new post, the Digg icon is huge! and it was also missing a few other of my icons for some reason. For the time being, I took out the social bookmarks instead.

Anyone have a clue about this issue? It's similar to a few other older posts but this particular problem also deleted a few of the other icons in addition to using a bigger Digg icon rather than the compact one.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

2 Jun 16, 2008 09:49

jack376 wrote:

I've been using this for a while w/ no trouble other than occasionally the Digg icon goes away but it usually comes back soon after. But this time, after a new post, the Digg icon is huge! and it was also missing a few other of my icons for some reason. For the time being, I took out the social bookmarks instead.

Anyone have a clue about this issue? It's similar to a few other older posts but this particular problem also deleted a few of the other icons in addition to using a bigger Digg icon rather than the compact one.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

i remember a similar post, and i had a similar issue which is because of using digg icon directly from digg's server, try saving it locally on your server and defining it as source

3 Jun 16, 2008 15:33


thanks for the reply. before i even attempt your suggestions it seems like it's a larger problem. i did some tests, which included eliminating the digg code altogether. in addition to removing the digg icon from previous posts (which is what i expected) it also removed the next couple of icons on the new post even though those codes still remained. this is so bizarre. i wonder if hosting the digg icon locally will fix that problem or is it in fact a larger problem?

just to reiterate, all old posts w/ social bookmarks are okay...its just new posts.


4 Jun 16, 2008 17:25

jack376 wrote:


thanks for the reply. before i even attempt your suggestions it seems like it's a larger problem.

let's hope it isnt ;) that was all i can prompt for now, as i have used Bae social bookmarks for about 10 seconds only and uninstalled right away :P as it wasnt crafted for me for some particular reason - it was displaying in every page of a post i suppose , maybe sth else-

i use a hack in the skin, which wouldnt hurt in upgrades if you dont use a default skin and overwrite it in the next upgrade ;) But it works pretty fine i suppose as those social sites already have their own sharer links, the hack uses those sites images linking to share url + perm url of post which is pretty sensible.good luck with it

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