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1 Jun 21, 2008 00:01    


Can anyone please assist?

Server 2003 IIS, PHP-5.2.6, my-sql server 5.0.

Webpage at loads fine.
However, the following error message appears when completing the Base Configuration page - Update Config File.

MySQL error!

The PHP MySQL module could not be loaded.

You must edit your php configuration (php.ini) and enable this module (php_mysql.dll).

Do not forget to restart your webserver (if necessary) after editing the PHP conf.

Can anyone provide assistance as I'm unable to locate the string php_mysql.dll in php.ini?

2 Jun 21, 2008 11:41

Just locate the extensions section of the php.ini and add:


Restart the www service(s)

Also confirm you have the extension (dll) in the extensions folder and that it is specified properly in the php.ini as well.


3 Jun 23, 2008 18:37

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the reponse. Unfortunately, i am still receiving the same error.

I have now flattened the Test box and reinstalled:

Again all testing up to displaying the config/install page for B2Evo works fine. However, I am unable to get past the PHP.ini file.
Per your suggestion, I can confirm that both the reference in php.ini is present and that php.dll appear in the extenstions folder?

Any other suggestions?

4 Dec 15, 2008 02:26


I got the same issue. I resolved it by analyzing a little the php5 directories structure and it seems there are may be some changes (at least on Windows) and the php Extensions are in the "ext" folder. Which isn't where I diagnoses it to look for!
Anyhow, my IIS & Php can not acces mysql DLL so:

Here's what I did:

Changed in php.ini, under Dynamic Extensions>


What I changed is I added "ext/"

it was:


hope this help,



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